first kiss

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glass joe

Joe and you decided to stay indoors, due to the storm that was going through the city. You leaned on his shoulder, a blanket around you both, as he was keeping you close to him with a gentle embrace from the side.

You didn't really know exactly what took over you both, but it happened too fast.

You two both gazed into each others' eyes, then slowly leaned in, until your lips touched. The tender kiss was better than anything that you've imagined, and you didn't want it to end.

But you both pulled away, smiling at each other lovingly, before going in for another kiss.

von kaiser

The German man and you were working out.

Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking.
It's not the most romantic thing in the world, but you both enjoyed exercising, and it was even better, when you did it with each other.

So now, you were keeping his legs on the ground, while he was doing situps.

You got bored, and Von seemed to notice it, then he started leaning in a little closer to your face, with a big, goofy smile on his face, which made his mustache move.

You got an idea, and the next time he got close to your face, you kissed his lips.

It was more of a peck than an actual kiss, but whatever. Details.

Von was shocked and collapsed on the ground, ticking, while you jumped up and danced in victory, giggling at his blushing face.

disco kid

Our loveliest dancing boxer is the most spontaneous person, probably in the world.

He, all of a sudden, decided to dance in the apartment, which made you wake up.

Today was your day off, and you didn't want to get out of bed, but he didn't hear your shouts.

So now you were in front of him, arms crossed on your chest, glaring at him with still sleepy eyes.

"Good morning, gorgeous. Made you some breakfast!" he sang, and motioned to the dining table, which was beautifully set up with lots of fruits, toasts and topping, alongside with some pancakes and bacon.

You looked at the buffet of food, before looking back at him, still not caring about what he made for you.

He hummed, before grabbing your hand gently, spinning you in your place, before dipping you and kissing you on the lips.

You seemed to finally wake up, as your eyes widened, and before you could react, he already helped you on your feet, then smiled at oyu, before skipping to the table, and starting to eat.

piston hondo

Piston was actually in a really calm state, drinking on some tea you've made for him, and enjoying the surprisingly calm view that your apartment had.

He hummed to himself, thinking about his girlfriend. It has been two months since you two got together, and he couldn't have been happier. Every second that he was spending with you was like heaven to him, as it was for you too.

He wanted thank you for being there when he was about to quit boxing, due to a defeat from a certain boxer.

You sat down next to him, sipping on your tea, and smiled up at him.

He smiled back, before grinning at the kissy face you were making.

"Chuu~" you cooed, not really expecting anything from him in the first place.

Ans before you knew it, or could stop the cuteness, he quickly leaned in and pressed his lips on yours, trying to be gentle as humanly possible.

Your eyes widened in shock, before relaxing and closing, as you were enjoying the affection he was showing.

don flamenco

The Spanish matador, the charmer, the all mighty Don Flamenco. Yes he. He was planning something. Involving you. And your kissable lips.

Today, Don wanted you both to go to the carnival, to celebrate his victory from the day before.

You, as always, were spoiled with stuffed animals, cotton candy and pop corn and everything you loved.

You both went on almost every ride there. The atmosphere was bubbly, due to the fact that kids around you were blowing bubbled, and giggling as their parents were lost in their own worlds.

The sun was setting, and Don told you that there was only one ride left from the carnival that you haven't tried yet.

The ferriswheel.

You, like other human beings, had some level of fear of heights, and the look of horror you gave Don made him almost lose it and laugh at your reaction.

But he kept it together, held your hand and smiled down at you, reassuring you that everything will be just fine.

So now you were starting your ride, and you started to shake.

Don noticed this and hugged you, trying to calm you down. Then he had an idea.

"Mi amor. Close your eyes." he said, looking down at you.

Your eyes met, and without any hesitation, you closed them.

And few minutes later, Don released your from his embrase, which made you uneasy, since you didn't know if the ride was done or not.

"Open." he instructed, and you did.

The beautiful sunset warmed your heart, and the light wind blowing your way made your already slightly rosy cheeks blush a little deeper red.

You looked up at your loved one, as he was staring right back at you, his eyes heavy, threatening to close in any second.

You followed his lead, and started leaning in, before locking your lips in a deep, loving kiss.

aran ryan

Aran was giggling. Yes, giggling. Which meant that he was going to pull another prank on someone, or something like that. The giggling was his planning stage, and you didn't want to know, or to be the next victim of his little tricks.

"Oh, (Y/N)!~" he sang, cackling at his voice. "Come here~"

You sighed, and got up from your couch, where you were in the middle of sketching.

You walked into his room, only to find the Irish man nowhere.

All of a sudden, he appeared in front of you, upside down, and kissed you, still in that position.

The kiss didn't last long, as the duct tape
got loose on his feet and he fell down on to the ground.

You put two and two together, croutched down to his level, and half smiled at him.

"Yaknow. If ya wanted a kiss, you could have just asked!" you said, then got up and returned to sketching.

bald bull

The paparazzis were everywhere. In the movies, in the restaurant, in the shops, on the streets.

They seemed to know where exactly were the couple went, which made you frustrated to the max.

Bald Bull was literally fueming, before you pressed your expert finger to a point where the nerves would make the "victim" instantly relax themselves.

He calmed down in an instant, and smiled down at you.

You returned the smile, before standing on your tippy toes and pecking his lips.

The crazed photographers sighed in relief, and walked away.

You, and Bald Bull both looked at each other, then the now disappearing paparazzis, then back at each other, before laughing it off and kissing each other.

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