Chapter 5 - Run Up On Me pt. 1

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2:12 pm...

::Andromeda's POV::

"Aye Ski," a voice came through the door. I recognized it as Carlos', which made me panic a bit since I was still in Ski's bed. He didn't move at all. "Yo Ski!" Carlos said again after waiting. Ski still didn't wake up, so I nudged him. When his eyes fluttered open, I put my index finger to my lips, telling him not to say anything to me since Carlos was outside.

"Ski you dead?"

"Yea." he answered, letting Carlos know that he was awake. He rubbed his forehead and tried to push himself up.

"You are dead?" Carlos said, confused.

"Nah vro, Im good. What's up?" Ski said rubbing his hands on his dreads, making them flip all over his head. I watched him like a cat watching tennis and I even reached my hand up to touch his hair but stopped when Ski looked up at my hand.

"Get Andromeda, I wanna test her."

"Already? She just got here." Ski said with his eyebrows raised.

"Yes. Go get her, and bring to The Cage." He said before walking off.

Ski sighed before looking at me.

"The Cage? What cage?" I asked with suspicion. If they mean a dog cage, I'll bite everybody up in this camp.

"It's not what you think." He said as he hopped off the bed. He went into the bathroom to refresh himself and I stayed where I was, thinking about what 'The Cage' could be. Is it an actual cage or is that just the name? Anything that has 'cage' in it usually is a place of confinement or a small area or maybe both. And I freak out if I feel like I'm closed in a small space.

And Carlos... I'm getting a very unsettling vibe from him. He kept watching me like I was prey last night and it made me so uncomfortable.

Ski came out the bathroom and went to his closet to pick out some clothes to change into. I wandered into the bathroom and felt his presence. I slid the shower door open and started picturing his body. I reached my hand inside and it was like the mist from his showers started to materialize on my fingers. I could see his body, naked with water streaming down his chest...

Andromeda, you seem to be lusting after him.

I came back to my senses and took my hand out of the shower and slid the door closed. I turned around and there he was, just watching as I played with the air in his bathroom.

I was about to say something dumb to try to justify what I was doing, but he laughed and spoke before I did.

"Netherracks do do some crazy shit." He said as he turned away from the door. "Can you feel if Carlos is out there?"

"I'm not a Netherrack." I retorted and he scoffed. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the door. I sensed that he had been there earlier, but wasn't there now. I turned to my head to Ski and shook my head.

"Alright well then we need to get you to your room so you can change into something comfortable." He said as he opened the door and let me out first. I heard the keys jingle from him locking his door and then we headed down to my room.

"But these are comfortable." I referred to my jersey, shorts, and slippers. "And what am I gonna change into? I have no clothes."

"You have a shit ton of clothes. Did you not look in the closet?" He said as he unlocked my door for me.

"No... I followed you out as soon as you left." I shied away. He laughed.

"Well look then."

I went to the closet and stood still for a second. I looked at the glass door to see the familiar stranger that is Andromeda Nicole Jacknell, in the flesh, in a room that's not hers. Standing with a beautiful man who calls himself Ski. I'm familiar with them, but I feel like I don't know know them. Like the real me is just spectating, watching a stranger live in my body like an imposter. I looked at my jersey, I got it for my 16th birthday. It didn't fit loosely like it used to since I've gained weight since then. I looked down at my slippers. They were my favorite slippers. If pokémon were real, I'd definitely have a Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Totodile, or Togepi. I payed attention to all the little details somebody would deem insignificant, but I craved all the insignificance right now because that's what I'm used to. That's my life and this isn't.

Sighing, I slid the door open and flicked the light on.

My jaw dropped

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My jaw dropped.


"See? I told you. Shit ton of clothes." Ski said as he entered behind me. I stood in shock after taking a few steps in, in awe that the closet extended over my room. I shot up the stair and there were even more lines of clothes and shoes. Then I jumped off the banister.

"Aye!" Ski said, scared that I was trying to jump to my death. I landed on my feet and he exhaled. "What the fuck made you want to jump from up there?"

"The fact that I knew I would land it and my ankles would still work." I sassed him. He rolled his.

"Weird ass Netherrack." He mumbled but I heard him.

"I'm not a Netherrack--"

"But you pretty much have all the characteristics of one." He cut me off. "You climb a bunch of trees, don't you?"


"You just like to climb shit in general... and then jump off." I nodded and looked down. "You mainly eat fruit and don't really like much else. You have crazy senses, you're strong as shit, you don't sleep much, you don't talk a lot, you spend most of your time in your head or reading. You're attracted to outer space and flowers. And... you've got a thing for blood. Am I right or wrong?" He said with a sly smile. It was unsettling to know that this stranger knew so much about me. I couldn't even be mad because he was right. I put my head up to show that I was unaffected by any of this and began looking for something to change into.

"How do you know any of this stuff is gonna fit me? I'm bigger than I look." I said, looking for some joggers and a big shirt.

"We know your size." He replied, not looking up from his phone. I scoffed.

"What don't you know about me." I mumbled sarcastically.

"Your body cou--"

"DON'T. Answer that." I sent a threatening look his way that he didn't even see because he was still engulfed in his phone.

Netherrack this and Netherrack that, I mean who does he think he is? Who do any of them think they are? What do they really even know? Hell, for all I know, anything that has anything to do with Netherrack is fake and they're all delusional. But Paris... I should've asked her. I'll probably never see her again and I'll never know...

I shook myself out of my thoughts and settled on some sweats and a t-shirt. I was deciphering whether I should leave my slippers on or just go barefoot. I didn't want to risk them getting messed up, so I took them off and put some socks on. I picked up my slippers and made my way to the door.

"You're not gonna put any shoes on?" Ski asked, finally peeling his attention away from his phone.

"I don't really like shoes, I don't wear them if I don't have to. But if I'm gonna be walking on sharp or hot surfaces, let me know."

"There might be broken glass." He said nonchalantly. I shrugged.

"I'll dodge it."

He got up from the floor and turned the light out before he slid the door closed. He walked me down a series of hallways and we arrived at a door. He didn't open it right away, instead he just looked at it and tapped his foot. I waited for him to open it or let me through but instead he stayed still.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just hate seeing him in there." He sighed.



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