Chapter 16: There was never an "Us"

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"Can you help me and Jinhwan to be together again?" Jimin asked.

How am I going to respond to her? I love Jinhwan too. Jinhwan was never sure of his feelings to her. Yeah, I know Jinhwan will never love me back. So atleast I should help this girl. They dated before, so it means there is high hope that they can be together again, unlike me and Jinhwan, there was never an "us".

"Me? How may I help you? I never involved myself to his love life." You replied.

"You're his bestfriend. You knew everything about him. Please Unnie." She begged. Out of nowhere you just nodded.

After you and Jimin had a conversation, you went back to Jinhwan's room. He's standing by the window. You silently entered the room but Jinhwan caught you.

"Is she bothering you?" He asked walking his way to sit beside you.

"No. She's nice. I can't think of a reason for you not to date her again. She's determined to be with you again." You said looking down, because you know for yourself that it is painful for you to say these things.

"What? Is she asking you to help her to be with me again?" He asked.

"It's not like that. She just wanted you to be fine because you're important to her. That's all." You lied.

"Jihyo, I don't want you to get involved with that woman. I'm serious about this." He said seriously.

Jinhwan's POV

You have a bad feeling that Jimin asked Jihyo to help her to be with you again. You know that Jihyo is just enduring the pain. Jihyo is not a selfish type of person. She can sacrifice her own happiness for others.

You asked Jihyo to go back home because Bobby came to take care of you. The doctor did not allow you to go home today and that you still need to stay until tomorrow. You told Bobby about everything and about what you think about Jimin asking Jihyo a favor to help her.

Back to Your POV

Because you're hurt, you call Na Eun to confess.

Na Eun: Hello?
You: Na Eun-ah (in an upset tone)
Na Eun: Go ahead, tell me your problem.
You: How did you know?
Na Eun: We've been bestfriends since when we were on our mothers' womb so I know every detail of you. Go ahead, tell me.
You: Uhmm, the thing that I'm afraid of happened.
Na Eun: Is it Jinhwan again?
You: Yes. This stupid heart beats for him again.
Na Eun: Well, do you think you have hope? I recently heard that there was an article that Jinhwan was dating Jimin.
You: Of course there's no possibility that Jinhwan will like me, I know that from the very beginning. But what's more painful is that, Jimin is asking me to help her to be with Jinhwan again. They dated before and broke up a year ago.
Na Eun: Did you agree with her?
You: Yes.
Na Eun: Well, you don't have a choice now but to help her. It's not a good idea to avoid Jinhwan again, especially he doesn't know that you are in love with him again.
You: I know that.
Na Eun: Well, Jihyo, you have to endure it for your friendship with Jinhwan.

And the bottom line of the conversation is nothing but in favor of Jimin and Jinhwan.

The next day, you received an sms from Jinhwan that he had been discharged and will continue to rest at home. And you received another message from unknown number.

"Hi Unnie! This is Jimin. I just discovered that Jinhwan was discharged from her nurse. I made some porridge for him. Are you going to his house today? Can you help me send these? Please Unnie."

Aigoo, do I really have to do these things?  I'm such an idiot to agree with her.

"Ok. Maybe after my classes later." You replied.

Classes just started for the new school year. And your professor asked you to talk with her with the dean of the college of medicine.

"Jihyo-ssi, please come to the Dean's office with me." She said and you did.

At the office, there is the assistant dean and the dean of the college.

School year just started, how come did I do something wrong?

"Jihyo-ssi, please have a seat." The Dean offered.

"You are the top student in our college, surpassing your sunbaes. Switzerland is offering a 2-year exchange student scholarship for the top 3 students. And you are the first candidate for this." The dean said with a wide smile.

It is a good opportunity for you to learn more and be a more compitent doctor. But you are hesitant.

"It is indeed a good opportunity and I'm happy for that. But I need to think about this to consider everything I need to consider. Can you give me time to decide?" You asked them.

"Jihyo-ah, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Please think carefully and we are hoping for your favorable response." Your professor said.

"Of course we will give you time to think, we need to confirm your decision until next month. Again, Jihyo-ssi this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Think wisely." The dean said.

After a little more conversation the meeting was adjourned. You received a message from Jimin again.

"Unnie, I'm already at the park near your building."

"I'll be there in a minute." You replied.

When both of you met.

"Unnie, I know that I'm wasting your time but I need to do these things, I'm desperate." She begged.

"Don't worry Jimin, I'll give this to him. But what if he refused to accept it if he found out that it is from you." You asked.

"I'm not gonna give up Unnie." She said.

So you don't have a choice but to do her a favor.
As you went to Jinhwan's apartment, Chanwoo said that Jinhwan has been resting inside his room. But even without his permission you entered his room. He is half naked but it is not surprising for you because that's normal. He is watching a movie.

He looked at you and sat on his bed, put his t-shirt on.

"I have here porridge." You said and he snatched it from you. He ate it. You sit beside her.

"It's from Jimin..." you said.

"Ahemm..w-what?" He almost choked himself from surprise.

"Jihyo-ah, I told you before, don't listen or help that woman. Why did you do it?" He asked.

"I'm sorry. She went to my university and begged to give you this." You said.

"Then, you should've thrown it. Look Jihyo, I don't want you to meet or talk with that woman again." He said seriously.

"Jinhwan, I honestly find her a kind person for not giving up on you. She loves you truly." You explained to him.

It hurts deep inside, but what else can you do? You're just a merr bestfriend to him.

Jinhwan's POV

What's wrong with her? All this time I thought he likes me but why is she pushing me towards Jimin. She should've just pushed herself to me. But yeah, she's too kind to think of herself.

Back to Your POV

You went home on your own. Jinhwan is a little upset with because of what you've done.

"Kringgggg! Kringgg!" Your phone rang and it is Jimin.

"Unnie! How are you? Did Jinhwan ate the porridge I gave?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah." You simply said.

"Unnie, I have another favor to ask. This would be the last favor that I will ask from you, if this didn't work, I give up." She begged.

"But Jimin...." you tried to disagree but you were surprised with the next thing she said.

A/N: You will find out why Jihyo was silenced with Jimin's next statement. Next few chapters will be a bit emotional.

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