The Dead One {5}

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Hi guys ! I would like to say sorry for being MIA for a year! SO SORRY! But... I have been really busy with school! So as to stop disappointing you guys, I will try to upload as much as possible!

Chapter 5 - The Dead One

The pain subsided and I stopped screaming.

I realized that Alison was still in my arms crying and so I put my arms around her and hugged her to me.

I soothed her and spoke comforting words to her, telling her I'm alright.

Still soothing her, I asked my grandma, " Grandma, why did felt pain all of the sudden ?"

"Oh, come on! Am i that invisible to you ?"Alex said, rolling his eyes.

"Did you do this to me?! And why the hell do you want Lachlan?" I asked, glaring angrily at Alex.

Alex rolled his eyes again and opened his mouth to speak but Grandma cut in.

"No, dearest. It wasn't him. You have to choose soon."

"Ha! Told you it wasn't me!" Alex said and childishly stuck his tongue out at me.

I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore him.

"How soon? " I asked anxiously.

I didn't want to choose and I don't know who to choose but if I don't choose I might lose one of them or worse both of them. They are both my mate!

"In 3 months. I'm sorry."

"Alright, continue your little sob story among yourselves. I am just going to grab this-" Alex appeared in a flash behind Lach and grabbed him to him. "Guy over here and leave."

No! I screamed in my head and unconsciously raised my hand to him. Alex flew away from Lach and hit a tree hard, causing the tree to break and fall to the ground.

Alex stood up slowly and dusted himself off and said menacingly, humor ripped from his face, " Do that again, little one, and you will regret it."

Eden scoffed and raised her hand threateningly,"You are the one who will be regretting it. No one threatens my family!"

Alex rolled his eyes again, uncaringly, "Whatever. I will be back for you, Lachlan!"

When Alex was about to jumped over the wall and out of Alpha Sirian's property, I stopped him.

"You haven't told me why you want Lach!" I yelled.

"He took a life that wasn't his to take. He was given a job and he did another. He needs to set the balance right and restore the balance."Alex said expressionless and jumped over the wall and out of Alpha Sirian's property.

I turned to Lach with a questioning look.

He sighed and sat on the ground.

"I was order by the alpha to kidnap Alex's mate but accidentally killed her when she struggled too strongly. The alpha wanted to show Alex that they got his mate. So that the alpha could negotiate with Alex to stop attacking their pack once and for all. It was all my fault! I knew it was a bad idea but I still went ahead and did what the alpha commanded." Lach said guiltily and put his face in his hands.

Meanwhile, outside of Alpha Sirian's property, Alex landed perfectly on the ground after jumping over the wall.

"You can come out of your hiding place now. I know you are there and I know you heard everything..... Vance." Alex said, pissed off.

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