The Pain {4}

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Chapter 4 - The Pain

I just looked at him tilting my head a little, waiting patiently for him to say what he wanted.

" As for what i want, you know what or rather who I want." Alexander pointed at Lach and said," I want him."

My instant reaction was to jump in front of him protectively.

" Why ?" I asked keeping my voice and face emotionless.

" And why do you care ? You only just met him." Alex answered my question with a question.

" Don't you know answering a question with another is plain rude ?" I sneered.

" And ?" Alex said rudely.

" And tell me why you want Lach." I demanded non too nicely.

" Why don't you tell me your relationship with him first ?"

I said nothing and just glared hatefully at him.

Suddenly, I felt my insides burned.

The burning sensations grew in my stomach and I clutched it.

" Kale ? Kale ! " Chace rushed up to me, grasped my arms and looked into my eyes, asked, " Are you okay ?"

" Y-ya. I think so." I gasped.

The sensations grew until it's so unbearable so I screamed and screamed until my throat hurts.

" K ! Tell me where does it hurt ? Please. Don't lie to me." Chace pleaded but I was in too much pain to hear.

Lach stood there looking at me in shock and painc as I was suddenly in pain and he doesn't know what to do while Alexander just stood there watching the scene with a bored look on his face.

My screams gained the attention of everyone in the house.

All of them came to see what was happening.

Everyone crowded around the four of us and Jace rushed up to me.

Jace asked Chace what happened and Chace said he didn't know, just that I suddenly screamed in pain.

Jace asked Chace to move aside so that Jace could get to me.

After Chace moved aside, Jace did the same thing Chace did.

He grasped my arms and asked if I was okay but I was still too in pain to hear.

I continued screaming.

Hearing the screams, Ines, Great Aunt, grandma, Elina and Alison rushed into the garden to see what was happening.

The five of them rushed towards me.

Alison, in Grandma's arms, struggled to get out of her arms, screaming," Mummy ! Mummy !" but I was oblivious to her screaming.

After awhile of struggling, grandma finally let her down and Alison ran ahead of the four of them to reach me.

When Jace saw Alison running towards me, Jace stood aside so that Alison could get me.

" Mummy ? Mummy ?" Alison asked worriedly.

My only answer was tears started rolling down my face as the pain was more than unbearable.

Alison realized that I was in pain so she put her arms around my neck and started crying.

While Alison was hugging me, Jace and Chace could only hover over me worriedly but there was nothing they could do.

Grandma put her hands on both sides of my face when she reached me and forced me to look at her.

Grandma started chanting spells.

" Retaw esae erif, erif esaec. Endone alibonei esae nowrd salionai leonie boneili-"

Grandma stopped chanting when she was interrupted by Ryder, who felt my pain in the bond, and ran to the garden and pushed grandma aside and grabbed my arms with Alison still hanging from my neck.

" Kahlan ? Are you okay ? Answ-" Ryder asked, concerned.

" Young man ! Would you mind stepping back ? I am helping her with the pain before you pushed me aside !"

" Oh My God. I am so sorry." Ryder said apologetically and stepped aside.

Grandma put her hands back on my face and started chanting the spell.

" Retaw esae erif, erif esaec. Endone alibonei esae nowrd salionai leonie boneili sonilia bonisi"

The pain subsided and I stopped screaming.

I realized that Alison was still in my arms crying and so I put my arms around her and hugged her to me.

I soothed her and spoke comforting words to her, telling her I'm alright.

Still soothing her, I asked my grandma, " Grandma, why did felt pain all of the sudden ?"

Eternally MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora