Ch 1: My Best Friend

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"Saihara-chan!" Kokichi came running to me and practically tackled me! Today was my 5th birthday, and Kokichi was the first one here. "Ko-Kokichi! Calm down!"

He stared at me with a smile. "No way! Today your bwirthday! Happy Bwirthday to Saihara Chan!" He giggled.

Kokichi had been my best friend for as long as I can remember. He's been there for everything. Every birthday, "Happy Birthday Saihara-chan!" he made sure I had fun and never felt bad.

Sometimes he got hurt for me. It was 3rd grade and we were on a small school trip to the park. "SAIHARA-CHAN! WATCH OUT!" I quickly turned my head just to be pushed out of the way and see Kokichi falling to the ground.

My eyes widened in disbelief. There Kokichi was, lying there on the grass. Blood coming from his head and a baseball with a blood spot on it. "Ko-Kokichi...?" I shook him a bit, no response.

The Bear wrote this (+Mika's slight edits)-

A boy with bright red hair and white clothes came running up to me. "Oops....sorry.....I was swinging the bat too hard I guess..." He apologized. "He's unconscious! Someone call the nurse or something!" I screamed, the red head seemed nervous. "Sorry....just practicing for the dumb game coming up...accidents happen....I mean he's fine....we're cool right?" I stared at him in disbelief. "You knocked him out....he is literally bleeding out....OF COURSE WERE NOT COOL!" The red headed baseball player turned out to be an upperclassmen who was also on the field trip named, Leon Kuwata. Kokichi went to the hospital right after.

"Ugh....Saihara-chan?" Kokichi mumbled and I immediately put down my book. "Kokichi, you're awake! I was so worried! The doctor said you were going to be fine but still..." Kokichi sat up and groaned "It feels like a brick hit me.....can I have some panta?" (#notsponsoringauthorsbookcalledPanta) I felt my jaw hit the ground, "You wake up after being knocked out and ask for PANTA?" Kokichi frowned. "So I'm not getting a panta?" I sighed "Kokichi, I was worried and your acting like this was a joke...." Kokichi sighed. "Fine, next time I will let the...what was it that hit me again? Kind of fuzzy. Anyways, I will let it hit YOU next time instead of stepping in and saving my beloved Saihara-chan!"

"B-beloved!?!" Kokichi grinned. "Aww your so cute when your nervous....that's it I will call you my beloved from now on!" I shook my head "Kokichi were getting off the topic-" "La la la I can't hear you! Just thank me already!" I blushed. "Thank you Kokichi...your a really good friend...I'm lucky to have you..." I admitted in slight embarrassment.

"Neehee! Oh Saihara-chan! I don't know what I'd do without you!" Kokichi giggled then hugged me, making my face go even redder!

"Oh no! Is my beloved Saihara-chan sick? Your face keeps turning really red!" Kokichi asked in a concerned tone. He put his forehead against mine. "Your forehead is warm too! Maybe you are sick!" He exclaimed.

"Wha-What?! N-No! I'm-I'm fine!" I said  while blushing. Then I ran away as he giggled and waved.

Kokichi has always usually been a kind person. He's also pretty smart. Everyone loves him, with the exception of a few people like Iruma and Harukawa. For some reason just being in proximity of him makes them start arguing, same with Momota just something about him makes them start fighting but I think Ouma just enjoys messing with them so much it doesn't hurt him. At least...I don't think it hurts him. Probably not seeing as he sometimes kind of deserves it, like the time he got Harukawa mad and somehow grabbed a giant tank and filled it up with Panta and put her whole desk inside. It took hours for the janitor to remove it from the classroom! Meanwhile Harukawa nearly strangled him to death.

But overall, he's wonderful. He was happy practically all the time. Until that one day. It kind of sent him into a depressed state for a while.

What was it exactly? Well, the death of his father. It happened in middle school, very suddenly. Kokichi was the only witness and had to take stand during the trial. It was a brutal scene. There was blood everywhere and multiple wounds on the victim's head.

There was trauma to the head by a blunt object which supposedly was a vase. There was also multiple stab wounds. But one of the most gruesome things done to the body was that the eyes were gauged out. When they found the body, his eyes were missing.

Kokichi said he had been hiding as it all happened. The person convincted for the murder of Mr. Ouma was Tsumugi Shirogane, a classmate of ours.

Throughout the trial she claimed she was innocent and that Kokichi had done it. She said she saw him do it so he framed her. Although all evidence pointed to her, she still pleaded innocence. She was charged with 1st degree murder and given life in prison without parole. (Parole means having chance of your sentence being shortened.)

During the trial, Tsumugi seemed sincere. But she must've been using acting skills. At the funeral, Kokichi was crying so much. I was there next to him.

After that he was kind of quiet for a few weeks. But after that he returned to his usual happy, slightly mischievous self. It was kind of strange how quickly he was able to "heal" emotionally.

I guess he was just trying to stay optimistic through the ordeal.

Everything was sort of normal after that. Sometimes Kokichi even received confessions! But the strange thing was that most of them were willing to do anything for him. However, something bad would usually happen to them.

Some would commit suicide for no apparent reason, others suddenly moved away. A few actually were expelled, usually claiming that Kokichi wasn't who we thought he was and trying to hurt him.

It was surprising, but no one thought Kokichi actually did something. He was too innocent to do something that bad. All he would do are pranks that do no real harm.... So he's perfectly innocent.... Right?


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