Chapter 8: Who is he?

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When I left Ouma's house I just couldn't believe it. That all my life, the person who I trusted more than anything lied to me. He lied about who he was and what's even worse is that I LOVED that person who turned out to just be a lie.

I should hate him, I should turn him into the police or the mental insitution and say sayonara. But...I can't. The fact that I can't is so irrational, so idiotic but I just can't. Maybe it's cause I am so stupid to think maybe, just maybe I can save him from himself? That I can somehow get him to just be normal. it because even though our life together was a lie...I still can't help loving him? I really am probably just being stupid...but...I could maybe at least try? I mean obviously there's a risk to it. He could kill me if he even for a second thinks I am going to betray him. After all he himself said I am just a pawn to him.

Just a part of his little mind game. I don't even know if it's a game I can win. It's unsettling to think about how all these years, that smile, that laugh, the way he would get excited over the simplest thing......was all fake.

In reality, if he weren't to act, all I would've received was a death cold stare. A lifeless stare, an emotionless face looking back at me. Bland words in a monotone voice.

Would I really want that? Maybe keeping up the act would be for the best......right? I pondered what to do as I walked back to my house. Whether staying quiet and ignoring it or actually doing something was the right question.

I mean what can and should I really do? My first gut reaction was to inform a doctor but from the interaction I saw earlier with Ouma at his front door that clearly isn't an option right now. At least not without valid evidence which they seemed to lack and all the evidence I had couldn't be backed up with anything other than Shirogane's testimony at the trial but even then I have heard rumors around town that she died shortly after being sent into prison after a failed escape attempt.

Maybe I could just ignore him or avoid him... Slowly try to detach myself from him.... That might be for the best, if even possible at all.

By the time I got to my house which wasn't that far at all, everything hit me. I realized that there wouldn't be any way to get out of this situation without any harm being done to someone.

I guess my confusion and disbelief was written all over my face since my uncle stopped me. "Hey kid. You okay? You look a bit worried? Something on your mind?"

I looked up in surprise. "Oh yeah yeah. It's nothing, I'm fine." I said and quickly walked away back to my room, trying to avoid anymore questions.

I closed the door and locked it so I wouldn't be bothered. I sat on my bed to think about this a but more. "Kokichi Ouma, a psychopath." Those words just didn't fit together.

I decided to sleep it off and try not to worry about it for now. But that was a bit hard.....

~The next day~

I woke up and got ready for school as usual. Completely erasing yesterday's events from my mind. It was perfectly normal.... Until I saw him.

Kokichi was walking to school and looked at me. He gave me a sweet smile. "Saihara-chan! Good morning!" He waved at me and ran up to me.

Before I could even react or push him away, he hugged me and whispered into my ear. "Just go along with it. Don't even think about making a scene. I can read you like a book, Saihara. I know what you would've done."

I felt chills go down my spine. Such a cold tone coming from someone with a smile.....terrifying. "Just do what I say and you'll be fine. He pulled away and flicked my forehead.

"No time to be staring off into space like that, Saihara-chan!" He tugged my arm and gestured to the direction of the school "C'mon! Let's go!"

I hesitantly nodded and we walked to the school together. He kept up conversation like everything was perfectly fine. I stayed quiet the entire walk there.

I hadn't even realized where we were once we had actually gotten there. " Saihara-chan!" Ouma was screaming into my face.

"Hellooooo! Earth to Saihara-chan!" He waved his hand in front of my face and pouted. "We're here!"

"Oh, sorry." I didn't even make eye contact with him and walked away quickly. He just stood there, staring at me as I moved away from him. I was so close to entering the school. Just one pull of a handle and I'd be safe-

"Shuichi. Do you really hate me that much?" His death cold tone stopped me right in my tracks. I completely froze when I heard him walking closer.

"You don't trust me? Don't trust me at all?" He stopped walking towards me. I could tell he was only a few meters away.

"Still....I always tried my best. I really though we could stay friends.... I thought we could solve anything together.... Get through any argument-" I cut him off. The act was getting... Frustrating.

"Cut the act already. I know you're faking it." I said in annoyance, I didn't even look at him. "Act? This is how you see it?"

"Hey. Stop it." I'm at my wits end now. If he keeps this up.... "Saihara-chan... Do you really not like me this much?" I felt his hand on mine. This was it. I pushed him away and turned. "Ouma-kun I-"

He was crying....his eyes widened when he heard me call him by his last name. "Ouma... kun? Not even Kokichi anymore? Wow........"

He held my hand. "Please...." I glared and pushed away again, but this time he fell. After a few seconds I realized why he was crying.

Plenty of our classmates were watching. A crowd of students watched and were shocked to see I had pushed my "best friend". 'Dammit. He set me up!'

I'm in Love with a Psychopathحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن