Ch 6: I can't.

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Shuichi's POV

Kokichi smiled at me teasingly, as if nothing was wrong. "Saihara-chan~ Why are you so guarded right now?" I couldn't help but glare at him "How long?" He raised an eyebrow, his voice was cheeky "How long what?"

My eyes narrowed "how long have you been lying to me? How long have you kept THAT side of you a secret? And damn it what else are you hiding from me because I am all ears."

Kokichi...Ouma laughed "Aww the pawn is trying to checkmate the king. Do I have to take them out? It would be a shame this pawn is really cute~" what happened to you Ouma? What did you do to the Kokichi I knew?

"I'm being serious." I said and he grinned "I am too, I really don't want to take out my most loyal pawn. You don't want me to either right Saihara-chan-"

"Don't call me that" Ouma pouted "Aww Saihara-chan is mad at me! You must feel so betrayed! After all your most loyal friend is something you hate."

I gritted my teeth. "What happened to you Ouma?" Ouma eyes widened a bit at the sound of me using his last name "Not even your precious Kokichi huh? You really do hate me....oh well why should I bother telling you anything Saihara-chan? I thought you were smart enough to figure out most things for yourself."

"I want you to tell me." he sighed and headed toward his kitchen, is he grabbong a weapon? I felt myself feel my back pocket to see if the gun I had there was still secured. He came back with a panta "You're lucky you're cute, Saihara-chan."

His face then went blank. "You give no reason to answer you." He said with no expression. "A valuable pawn in this game of life might be lost. What an unfortunate situation...." He said, his chin resting on his hand.

"Say, Saihara-chan.....remember Shirogane?" He asked me with a look of anticipation. "Um yeah..? The girl who was convicted of murder.....the murder of your father.."

He smiled a bit and nodded. "She was so mad. Throughout the entire trial she said she innocent, that I had framed her."

My eyes widened slowly in realization. "You... You set her up didn't you..... That means.." He smiled a bit more. "Means what? C'mon say it!" He demanded excitedly.

I gulped and slowly said, to my horror, "That means that you killed your dad.....Shirogane was wrongly accused.." He nodded and pointed at me. "Correct! I'm surprised you didn't figure it out sooner!"

"So what will you do... Hmm? You only have one victim and she's known for lying about things. Also, I have proof of bullying so I can just say it was self defense. I mean it technically was."

'Dammit! He's got me there..' "Anyways, you have no witnesses other than yourself and that bitch Maizono and no proof."

"You can't run from this..There's no way to escape. I've got you trapped within my grip. Plus, would you really try to get me arrested, Saihara-chan?" He asked, seemingly innocently. He slowly reached out to me.

But then, we heard his mother call for him. "Kokichi! certain someone has come...." He clicked his tounge and left.

Kokichi's POV

I moved away from the window and went to my mom. "Who is i-" I stopped right in my tracks. Standing there was one of the doctors who claimed I was a psychopath.

My mother just stood there nervously, but glaring at the man. "And why the hell are you here?" The doctor rolled his eyes "Pleasure to see you to son." I gritted my teeth "like he** I'm your son! What do you even want?" He sighed "At your last visit remember I took another brain scan? You can fool the world Kokichi Ouma but you can't fool results, I am here so we can calmly adress the problem and how to face it-" I shut the door on his face.
"Go to hell you lying piece of trash!" My Mother just stared at me.

"He just wants money Mom, do I look like a psychopath to you?" I said and she shook her head and hugged me "No of course not, your my prescious son!" I sighed as the doctor spammed the doorbell "They ain't ever gonna quit...." My Mother sighed "Ok why don't you just go to your room and do your homework and we'll ignore them like last time." I nodded and quickly made my way to the living room to motion Saihara to follow, not that he had a choice.

Saihara just sighed "You even lied to your own Mother?" I smiled "Aww that's sounds bad the way your putting it....more like giving her the perfect son she always wanted or whatever, besides Saihara-chan....beg"

Saihara raised an eyebrow "What?" I felt my grin growing "You heard me, beg. Beg for your life." Saihara just stared at me like I was joking and I groaned.

"You never do it.......even now when your life is actually in danger.....what a shame.....oh well that's what I get for being an idiot." Saihara shook his head "You're not an idiot." now it was my turn to be confused "Did you just compliment a person who has been lying to you all your life?"

Saihara didn't meet my eye "It's not a compliment, it's a fact." Aww...does Saihara still like me....that's interesting. "More like an opinion~"

He continued to glare and clicked his tongue. "This game we call life.... I'll definitely win it. After all, I do have a quite... Interesting pawn." I said while reaching out to him, finally touching his face and smiling.

"Let's have fun while we play this game, Saihara-chan~"


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