Chapter One

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Marinette was laying on her bed, her white cat pillow surrounding her. It had been two years since she fell in love with Adrien Agresté. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw his bright green eyes in her mind. She saw his tanned skin, his bright smile. His joy, his happiness. What would he think, if he knew she was the superhero Ladybug? No matter. He would never find out.

She sighed.
":..Tikki. I have loved Adrien for two years, him knowing nothing of it. I should tell him. He deserves to know that I love him." Marinette said dreamily.

"Marinette, you know I believe in you! You can do it!" The small ladybug kwami replied, spiraling toward her master's face, landing on her cheek.

"I should call Alya. She can help me." She turned on her phone, switching to a sitting position. She dialed the phone for Alya, pressing on her contact.

"Hey, girl! What's up, Mari?" The female asked joyfully.

"Well, I think that I should tell Adrien that...that I like him."

"Oh. My. God. Marinette! Finally! Okay, let's make a plan. I'm coming over right now." Alya replied.

"Okay. I can't believe I'm going to do this!" She exclaimed.

The bluenette and her best friend made a plan.

1. Wait for Adrien to come to school.

2. Wait for recess and walk up to him.

a. Alya will distract Chloé :)

3. Marinette tells Adrien

4. Adrienette happens!

Mari thought it was a fantastic plan. Perfect. She would tell Adrien Agresté tomorrow afternoon. He would confess his love for her. They would become a couple. Get married. Have three children. And a cat. Ooh! And a dog. Maybe a hamster. Hamsters are adorable. She was ready. Totally ready.


The next day came along, and Marinette felt 100% unprepared. She was so nervous, but she wanted Adrien to know about her feelings. She rethought about her monologue of what she was going to say, and over and over and over again until she got to school. She kept her head down all through her classes leading to recess. Alya hugged her before walking away to bother Chloé. Marinette walked up to the blonde, feeling nervous and slightly clammy.

"Adrien, um, c-can I tell you s-something?" The bluenette stuttered as the handsome boy hopped out of his car, the Gorilla driving away.

"Sure, Marinette. What's up? You're looking a little sick.." Adrien noticed.

Marinette breathed in and out. She was ready for this. She had been preparing all day and yesterday. She was ready. She was made for this moment. She was confident. She was Marinette. She was Ladybug, the powerful and confident superhero.

She took a deep breath and prepared herself.

"Okay. Ever since you came here to this very school and I went past the part where I thought you were a bully, I..I sort of love. With...Y-you. You are so kind and wonderful and handsome, and you stand up for everyone. You tried to get Chloé to stop putting gum on my seat. You helped Alix and me with her watch. You helped Mylené when she was scared. I...I am in love with you, Adrien Agresté."

Marinette finished her speech and looked down, blushing profusely. Adrien stood there, looking quite stunned.

"O-oh. Um, Marinette, I didn't know you felt that way. I'm sorry, but I-I'm in love with somebody else. I hope we can stay great friends though!" Adrien replied kindly, trying to let her down quickly and easily.

Adrien watched, as Marinette looked down, trying to hide tears streaming down her face. He watched as all her plans were crushed. The bluenette was trying to cover her face with her scarf, hiding her tears.

"I hope you will be happy...with her," Marinette said, sniffing slightly as she told him.


Marinette left, walking-no, running- toward Alya. She ombré took one look at the bluenette's puffy, red eyes and her pink-touched nose, and ushered her away to the office. She quietly asked the office lady if Marinette could go home early, and let Alya accompany her home. She gave a quick explanation of what happened, and the lady gave Alya a note.

They walked toward Marinette's home, and Alya put her into bed, with a tissue box on her bedside. She left, also letting Marinette's parents know what happened. Alya left, saying nothing of what had happened that day. Once Marinette's parents thought she was asleep and Alya had left, she went to her balcony. She stood, and let her tears drown her face, feeling like she would never find love, never be heard. She saw Chat Noir leap up to her balcony.

"Good evening, Marinette. How are you this purr-fect evening?" Chat asked jocularly.

"Not now, Chat."

"Feeling do-"

Chat was cut off by a weeping Marinette, sobbing into his shoulder, hugging him. Chat was shocked at first, then returned the hug.

"What happened, Marinette?" Chat asked quietly once Marinette stood regularly.

"I-I confessed crush.." She sniffed, saying the words quietly.

"And he friend zoned me. He said he loved someone else. Of course. Of course, of course, he did."

"Who..was it?"

"A-Adrien Agresté. It was Adrien. He...he...rejected me. I don't know whom he could love. He should have seen. He saw my tears. He saw how much I loved him, yet... yet he is too far out of my reach. I should have seen this coming, Chat. I should've known. I should've known that he would never love me. I am too ugly to be loved." The bluenette babbled, delirious in her sadness.


Chat broke her off with a hug, letting her cry more into his shoulder.

"I am so sorry he did this to you, Marinette. I am so, so sorry."

Chat Noir wished he didn't do this, watching Marinette fall slowly into sleep, lost. Lost in the harm that he alter ego did to the teenager. He did this. It is a miracle an Akuma hasn't come, or Alya kept it away.

Marinette was so sad, so scared, so irate. So depressed. Her first love has rejected her. She was gone, not completely, but Adrien has done this to her, and somehow Chat Noir will find a way to fix this.

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