Part Two: Heart in the Right Place

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Chat Noir stayed over at Marinette's house. He felt the need to, after all. She had been rejected by the boy she loved, Adrien Agresté, Chat Noir's alter ego. The bluenette didn't know this, of course.

The girl slept fitfully, tossing and turning, every once in awhile letting out whimpering noises, most likely reliving the terrible moment. Chat Noir felt awful about what happened. He wished he could transform into his citizen form right in front of her eyes and say that it would be alright. But Plagg was adamant about not telling Marinette. Chat realized it was 5 am, and that he should probably get back home.

"See you at school, princess." The superhero whispered as he left the sleeping girl who was now breathing evenly.

-- -- -- -- --

The next day came along, and Marinette still felt sad, but better, for a reason she did not know the answer. She said "hi" to Adrien(without stuttering, she didn't know why), Alya, and Nino. She sat next to her best friend and laid her head down. She felt like crying again, but she got her head together and sat up straight. Alya encouraged her to stay positive, however hard it was for the bluenette.

Adrien noticed this, and although he saw the dark-haired girl last night, he still felt terrible about what he had done. Marinette had her head down, silently listening to the teacher. Alya saw him looking at her best friend and glared at the blonde-haired boy. Alya, of course, thought of Marinette as a little sister, and would never let anyone hurt her best friend.

"Don't you /dare/ look at my best friend, /blondie/." Alya snarled when Adrien looked at Marinette as she left to go home after school.

Marinette looked up, dark bags under her pain-filled eyes.

"Stop it Alya. He's not doing anything wrong. (/Except for breaking my heart.../ She whispered underneath her breath.) She said. 


 The next day came along, and Adrien realized that as far as he knew, everyone in the class blamed him for the way Marinette had been acting in class lately. He blamed himself as well. The bluenette had been in a haze recently, her eyes starry with hints of tears, the bottoms red from crying, the touch of her nose and ears touched pink. Alya's dark green eyes followed her everywhere, full of concern for her best friend. Whenever she caught Adrien staring at the girl he had friend zoned, Alya glared with the fire from her soul killing him. He felt scared when looking at Marinette with Alya nearby.

Adrien saw Alya nearby after school the next day and tried walked up to her. She scoffed and tried to walk away. Adrien caught up with the ombré and tried to talk to her.


"Don't talk to me, /model boy/." Alya interrupted, trying to ignore him.

"J-just hear me out. Please." Adrien begged. Pleaded.

Alya looked away, not wanting to listen. A part of her did, though. She wanted to know why. Why had this blonde-haired boy rejected Marinette? Why did he not say anything when he saw the bluenette sobbing silently, not coming to visit? Say sorry for what he had done. Apologize sincerely, not just to let the blue-eyed girl down?

"Fine. Make it quick," She snapped.


Adrien paused, considering how to say this easily and quickly.

"O-okay." He took a deep breath in, then out.

"I love someone else."

"And who is this "someone else"?" She said with air quotes.

"Ladybug." Adrien replied. He blushed when he said this.

"Ladybug. Of course. Why didn't I ever think of this? A hero who saves Paris all the time, whom we don't even know the identity of. Of course." She said sarcastically.

"I am serious. You should know this. You love ladybug too!"

"But I would care more for my best friend than a superhero."

"But still," Adrien replied

" /Earth to Adrien!/ A girl, a kind, and a very beautiful girl told you that for the past two years she believed you were the best person in the whole wide world and that she loved you for that, and your answer for that is because of /Ladybug/. I might love her too, but you have a girl you know the identity too. Wow."

She walked away, scoffing.

— — — — — —

After Adrien went home, he transformed into Chat Noir. He went to Marinette's house and crept silently to her bedroom window. He saw her crying as she sewed, her tears falling into the thread. She stopped, crying into her hands. Chat Noir knocked on her window, and Marinette looked up. The Black Cat saw her eyes, red and pink around the edges, blue eyes starry with stars, skin pale with being inside so much.

"Can I come in?" Chat Noir asked.

"Chat? U-Um, Yeah."

"Let's watch a movie. It'll get your mind off of that jerk-ass boy."

"O-okay. Thanks."

They watched Sword Art Online, both seasons, and at the end of season two, Marinette wasn't crying for Adrien. (If you watched the end of SAO II then you should've cried over Yuuki.)

Chat Noir felt better, now that Marinette wasn't crying. 

"H-hey, Marinette?"

"What's up?"

"Why do you love Adrien Agreste?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I just want to know, because, I mean, he dumped you, for someone else."

"Well, to answer your question, I guess I love Adrien because he's a kind person. He's nice, funny, kind of a dork, and many other qualities. He's stood up for me before from Chloe. You're not gonna believe this, but the first day I saw him, I hated him with all my guts."

She started telling Chat the gum story, how he was trying to get it off instead of put it on.

"I guess, he's just a good person, and his heart was in the right place. I mean, I would do anything to get him back, but his love is not in my hands. He can love whoever he wants, even Chloe." 

Chat was shocked at how she said this, and how brave she looked. 

"W-wow. That's very brave of you to say."

She laughed, her face turning red. 

"Princess, I am so glad to have met you."

"I am so glad to have met you too, kitty."

Chat Noir and Marinette leaned in, and kissed, not quickly or too slow. They broke after five seconds. Marinette heard the black cat's miraculous beep. 

"Bye, Chat Noir. See you later."

"Bye, Marinette."

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