Part 3: Un-furr-chunate

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The next day, Marinette woke up to a poking Tikki.

"Tikki, what is it?" Marinette said groggily.

"It's time for school! You're going to be late!" Squealed the ladybug kwami.

Marinette looked at her phone, only to see that class started... FIVE MINUTES AGO?

She jumped out of bed and got dressed, ran down the stairs and grabbed a croissant.

"See you later, Maman and Papa!" Marinette said as she ran outside and across the street.

The bluenette burst into the classroom and took her seat.

"Marinette," Ms. Bustier said, "You're five minutes late. I'll let it go, but please do not be late again.

She hung her head in shame. "Okay, I won't be late again."

"Where were you, girl?" Alya asked her best friend.

"I overslept, again! When am I going to get over this habit?"

"Someday, but I don't know when that'll be!" Alya and Marinette laughed.

Lunch came and Nino, Alya, and Marinette were sitting together. Without Adrien.

"So, Mari, I see you haven't gotten akumatized! That would've sucked." Nino commented.

"Yeah, it would. But I guess I'm over Adrien. He isn't relevant to me. The only way he could be if he accepted everything I said to him." Marinette replied.

"Woah, Mari that's hardcore!" Nino and Alya said in awe.

"Guess so. He deserves it."

Marinette finished her sentence just as Adrien walked by, "Hey Marinette, what's up?"

"Leave me alone, Adrien."

He looked at her in sadness.


That night Marinette got her nightly visit from the unlucky black cat.

'"Sup, Mari?" Chat asked as he jumped into her bedroom, scaring the bluenette.

She screamed for a millisecond, then saw it was her black cat.

"Oh, hey, Chat Noir. It's cold tonight! I hope you don't get a cold."

"Oh, I won't, Purrincess. I wouldn't want you to get sick, right?"

Sigh. Already a cat pun.

"Yes, that would be un-furr-chunate. For you and me."


a/n: heya chatons! its me, your favorite writer! jk jk haha ! im sorry this chapter was so short, i havent had a lot of time on my hands haha xD please have a purr-fect day!


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