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"Kendall, get your leg up in the air," Abby yelled.

"Kendall, don't sickle your feet"

"Kendall, show some emotion"

"Kendall, point your toes"

"Kendall, GET OUT NOW" Abby screamed. I heard Abby yell these things at Kendall from the Dancer's Den. Kendall's solo was the second last to be rehearsed today. My solo was next to be rehearsed. I was sitting there doing my school work as I'm homeschooled. Kendall came running in seconds later in tears.

"Are you ok Kendall?"I asked running up to her to give her a hug. Kendall instantly pushed me away, shoving me to the ground.

"So this is your game huh" Kendall screamed. All the other girls were sitting in the room staring.

"What game?"I asked.

"You act like a sassy diva but the second someones upset you're gonna try to get in there head."Kendall snapped.

"What the hell Kendall"I screamed. "Can't we just all be friends?"

"Um let me think about that," Kendall said sarcastically. "Nope" A second later Abby walked into the room.

"Jayla, time for your solo"Abby exclaimed. I got up from the floor. A hand than crept onto my shoulder forcing me to turn around.

"Jayla, good luck in there. Abby is in a bad mood."Kendall laughed. I looked around at the other girls. They were staring at me with fake smiles plastered on there face. I rolled my eyes and walked straight into the studio where Abby awaited me.

"Ok Jayla, you're solo is called Dancing Doll so you need to pretend you're a doll coming alive. For the judges to believe that you have to play the role" Abby said to me. I nodded. Abby then played the beautiful piece of instrumental music which I would be dancing to.

"Ok, start in the middle of the stage and do a pose which you think represents a doll," Abby demanded politely. I walked to the centre of the studio and sat down. I split my legs apart on the ground and placed my hands in the air making me look like a doll.

"That is a great pose, Jayla," Abby said happily. I grinned. We choreographed for 10 minutes when Abby asked me a question.

"What skill do you think we should to here?"Abby asked. I knew obviously she was trying to test me.

"I believe a la seconde turn sequence would look good and I could do an illusion out of it. I also believe after my aerial I could do Russian leap."I stated confidently.

"That would actually look really cool Jayla" Abby laughed. "Maybe, we could add some chaine turns and maybe even a switch reverse leap."

"I think the switch reverse leap would look cool after my turn sequence in the corner," I added.

"Ok, let's add that in," Abby said. I looked at Abby and she was smiling right at me. I don't know why I was scared of her in the first place. We continued to choreograph for another twenty minutes until the dance was done. I then began to run through it as Abby gave me corrections.

"Beautiful emotion Jayla" She yelled.

"Oh, you sickled that right foot. Don't do it next time" Abby said calmly.

"Nice side aerial"

"Those turns were beautiful Jayla"

"Omg Jayla, your flexibility is beautiful"

"Nice pointed feet"

"Students like you make me want to teach, Jayla"

"Nice leap," Abby said. The music came to an end and I ended up in a beautiful pose.

"Jayla, that was amazing. You're almost as good as Maddie and you're 8 and she is 12. Maddie wouldn't dare to suggest choreography but you have so much confidence."Abby exclaimed excitedly.

"Thank you, Miss Abby"I beamed.

"It's my pleasure, Jayla. Ok out into the dancer den as I have costumes. I will be 5 minutes."Abby said. I nodded and left the room and entered the dancer's den.

"Well, you must be pretty brave holding back the tears" Chloe laughed.

"Well, the thing is I actually helped choreograph my dance and Abby only gave me nice corrections"I snapped in anger. I was over the girl's attitude towards me. "Abby actually is really nice"

"Yeah sure sure" Mackenzie yelled. I rolled my eyes and then began to stretch out my splits while the other girls snickered at me. I just ignored them. I then began doing strength exercises.

"Show off"Nia snickered.

"I don't see this as showing off. I'm just working hard to get better. No dancer became good by sitting on a chair all day" I replied back calmly.

"That is exactly right Jayla"Abby suddenly snapped as she entered the room. She scared everyone.

"Jayla is doing what everyone should be doing when they're not dancing," Abby said. "Jayla is 8 and she is better than all of you. She even spoke up and helped chip in with the choreography. You all complain about having bad choreography when you are old enough to step in and say something. Maybe you should be more like her."Abby said smiling towards me. I smiled back. I got up off the ground. In Abby's hand were costumes. She began handing them out.

"Go to the change rooms and try them on," Abby said. She handed mine to me and I instantly fell in love. It was a soft, beautiful, flowy dress. It was a beautiful sky blue colour. I loved it. All the other girls were pretty but mine was just perfect.

"Miss Abby, I love it"I squealed.

"I knew you would love it. That's why I chose it."Miss Abby replied smiling at me. I gave Miss Abby a hug before scurrying off to the change rooms to try it on. Once the costume was on, I was amazed. I looked at my reflection. The costume made my blue eyes pop and it complimented my ginger hair nicely. I couldn't help but spin around. The fabric swirled around me. I ran out of the change rooms and ran right to Abby.

"Jayla, it suits you so well"Miss Abby laughed. I laughed. The other girls soon walked in. Their costumes were just sparkles and bright colours. They were pretty but I overall thought mine was the best.

"So the new girl gets the best costume and the best choreography."I hear Nia whisper to Mackenzie. I just rolled my eyes and ignored it. Nia had a sparkly, lacey, gold, short dress. Kendall had a hot pink, sparkly dress. Mackenzie had a pair of red leggings with a short, red, sparkly dress. Chloe had a pink dress with a poofy bottom and a pink sparkly band around her waist. (See picture above for full costumes. Please take note of the costumes and not the dancers wearing them as these are just images I found online which I thought might suit the girls dances.) I was so excited for competition and I knew with my amazing choreography and my beautiful costume I would blow the judges away. 

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