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"Chloe, Mackenzie, Kendall and Nia! You can come in now" Abby screamed in anger. The door opened swiftly. I looked up at them. Tears streaming down my face. I turned to my mother. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Good evening girls," Abby said in a sarcastic way staring at them.

"Miss Abby, why did you call us here? Dance is tomorrow" Mackenzie asked.

"Why don't you answer that question yourself Mackenzie" Abby snapped. She held out my phone to reveal the hateful messages.

"Look at all of these hateful messages towards Jayla. Isn't it hilarious that they have all been posted from your four accounts." Abby sarcastically stated.

"I never posted them"Chloe screamed. "I'm not a cyber bully."

"Well, it doesn't surprise me that you posted them. I mean you have been bullying Jayla all week. It wouldn't be long before you posted something online" Abby mumbled.

"Why do you guys hate me?" I whispered looking at them. They all stared me in the eye. They gave me so much anxiety. I began to sweat.

"Girls, you are suspended for the week? As Maddie wasn't apart of this, she is invited this week and so is Jayla" Abby stated loudly.

"But Miss Abby, that's no-" Chloe screamed before Abby cut her off.


"It wasn't me" Chloe yelled. Mackenzie turned to look at her Mom.

"Mom, you surely can't let Maddie dance and not me" Mackenzie exclaimed. Her Mom rolled her eyes.

"Mackenzie, the punishment you go is what you deserve," Melissa screamed.

"Now you girls go home. Jayla, do you have your dance clothes?"

"Yes of course Miss Abby" I smiled.

"Go get changed" Abby demanded, "Let's have a private lesson." I got up to get changed when my Mom yelled.

"Wait, wait wait." She yelled. "I don't get a say in this."

"Then why did you bring your daughter here. You knew this was a full-time commitment." Abby screamed.

"I'm going home. Come on Jayla"Mom screamed. "I will bring her tomorrow when dance is actually on". Tears began to gush down my face. My Mom ran towards me and gripped my hand and began to pull me out of the room.

"Stop, I will take Jayla home" Abby exclaimed.

"Fine, can she please be home by 8 o'clock"My Mom replied calmly. Abby nodded and I scurried off to get changed into my crop top which is the same one I wore on my first day. I put on my jazz shoes and walked into the studio. Abby was standing there.

"Can you please stretch, Jayla?"Abby said. I began to stretch about my splits. After stretching, Abby pulled out the ballet barre.

"Maddie, you can come in now"Abby screamed. I stood there shocked. Abby said nothing about Maddie being here. Maddie walked in and smiled.

"Here is a bit of competition for the both of you"Abby laughed.

"I can beat her,"I said with sass.

"Look, Jayla, I understand the others don't want you here but I honestly think we can be great competition for each other and even become friends," Maddie said.

"Thanks, I would love to be friends" I smiled.

"But that doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy on the dance floor" Maddie laughed.

"I wouldn't want it any other way" I smiled. Abby snapped her fingers to get our attention back.

"I want to put you through some tests. Just so you can see what each other can do"Abby snapped. "Let's start with a pirouette competition.

"I'm a turner, Jayla," Maddie said happily trying to scare me. I rolled my eyes and smiled at her.

"3, 2, 1 TURN" Abby screamed. We both began to turn and turn. I got to about 20 pirouettes and I began to get a bit wobbly. I could tell Maddie was still going really strong. I was determined to make it. I got to 36 before falling out.

"Wow, you really are a good turner," I said to Maddie impressed. Maddie smiled.

By 7:30 pm we had finished our competition and it was a tie. I had won in acro, jumps and improv. Maddie had won in turns, leaps and facials.

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" Maddie asked while we were sitting in the dancer's den cooling down.

"I was just gonna go home and watch a movie," I replied.

"Do you wanna come over for a sleepover or something?"Maddie asked. I smiled. I was finally making friends.

"I will ask my Mom but I don't have any clothes,"I replied happily.

"What if you ask your Mom and we can take you to your house and your Mom can talk to mine while we go upstairs and pack your bags and then we will go to my house." Maddie proposed.

"That's a good idea. I will call Mom now"I stated. I left the room and called Mom. 5 minutes later I walked back into the room.

"Mom said yes" I yelled excitedly. Maddie smiled. Just at that moment, her Mom walked in.

"Hey Mom, can Jayla come over? We have to go to her house first though."Maddie pleaded.

"Of course. Jayla is always welcome."Melissa said.

"Thank you, Miss Ziegler."I smiled.

"Oh call me Melissa dear."Melissa laughed. We walked out to the car. Maddie and I sat in the back seat. We exchanged our numbers, Instagrams, Snapchats and twitters. 20 minutes later we arrived at my house. I stepped out of the car and was instantly surprised by a gust of wind.

"Not used to Pittsburgh weather are you?" Maddie asked.

"I use to live in California." I stated." I'm not used to this weather"

I opened the door and let them in. My Mom was sitting on the couch.

"Hi, Melissa" Mom suddenly greeted.

Maddie and I ran upstairs to my room. I opened the door to my room.

"Holy moly, you really love dance," Maddie said shocked. I could see what she meant. In the left corner was my bed which had black silhouettes of dancers on them. Next to my bed was a cabinet filled with some of my dance trophies. In the right corner was a rack full of dance clothes and had pairs of dance shoes lined up in front of it. In another corner was my desk which had dance figurines on it. Against the wall, next to my desk, was my ballet barre and stretch ladders and a box which had my stretch bands and other fitness tools. My cupboard was covered with stickers of girls doing dance moves. If you look closely under my bed you can see two acro mats folded up.

"Yeah, dance is my whole life. I'm always travelling for dance but we decided to move to Pittsburgh."I replied. I walked over to my wardrobe and began to pack my bag.

"What's that door over there?" Maddie asked. I ran over and opened it for her.

"Omg, it's a dance studio," Maddie screamed.

"Yeah" I replied. "You probably think I'm a spoiled brat."

"No, I'm just shocked because we have a dance studio in our house as well" Maddie replied. I laughed and walked back over to my wardrobe to continue packing. I heard Maddie turn some music on and I could hear her leaping around. After I finished packing, I walked back into the room to see Maddie doing improv. She was doing amazing. The song ended and I clapped.

"Your such a good dancer" I screamed.

"Thanks" She replied. "I know we are gonna be best friends."

I smiled. I was so happy to finally have a friend in Pittsburgh.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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