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Okay, so this story so gonna be dirty...I mean, like R rated...This comes from my dirty mind, and I love my dirty mind *Pats the top of my head* and my dirty mind is inspired to write a naughty little story about our little Jinxxy ^_^. Basically, the guys wanna eat Jinxx alive *So to speak. Us your dirty minds, my sweets* if you're 13 or younger, DON'T READ IT! Read something different, cause my mind can get...creative *Wink wink, nudge nudge..I realize, I'm alone forever* . This is for all the BVB fans, enjoy my dirty minded friends ^_^.


Oh, and I can't change the covers right now, cause I'm using an iPad, which I have no problem getting a cover for. But apparently, my "server" doesn't accept my changes...I'll try to change it whenever, but I'm too lazy right now ^_^.

Jinxxy The Maid {BVB Smut}Where stories live. Discover now