Chapter 7

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So this chapter is gonna be really short but i need to get a chapter out so im just introducing like three new characters.

Oh btw the first part is gonna be Damion's pov.

Damions pov

As I sat in the bed i thought about what just happened. She's mad at me i mean i could understand the cigarette thing i could understand but why did she flinch when i said bitch.

She seemed like she was genuinely upset.when she walked out i saw that she was trying to hide the fact that she was gonna cry.

And now shes downstairs sleeping on the couch.Great just fucking great. My thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked at the door.

"Come in" i said hoping it was Ava but it wasn't. I looked up to see a pissed of Viper shaking her head.Shit.I know shes younger than me but when shes mad this bitch is crazy.

"Why the fuck is ava sleeping on the couch.What did you do.Are you an idiot you save her from an abusive dad then you want to go be a fucking dick." She screamed as she started to throw things at me.

"Shes on the couch because i was smoking in the room." I said then immediately regretted it.My sister jumped on my back and put me in a headlock. "Okay listen here theres a reason why i told you to smoke outside. RIGHT? Because i know i sure as hell dont like cigarettes or the smell and i dont need you smoking around my kids." Now i was tring to get out but viper was to strong.
"Okay okay i get it can you let go now." Viper growled but let me go.As i was trying to breath properly she told me that tomorrow we need to introduce her kids and her boyfriend to Ava.I agreed and she left.

Thank fucking god.


Vipers pov

My brother is a fucking idiot. Ava is way too sweet to be treated like this morning i went to my daughters Ivory and Isabella and told them that they were going to meet someone new.I got our butler Jonathan to get them ready while i went to go get ava.

when i got to the living room I saw ava laying on the couch with her phone above her face."Hey ava" i said obviously scaring the shit out if her because she dropped her phone on her face then cried out in pain.I burst out laughing which made her throw a pillow at me as she rubbed her nose.After i calmed down i told her that i wanted her to meat my kids.she looked at me like i had three heads.So i sat down and told her what happened to get me pregnant.

So I told her this "my boyfriend Dane was the gangleader for the other gang that came yesterday.Well when we ment we er.. well he hated me.I didnt know why but i just started to hate him back until one night i went to the club to celebrate Damions birthday and i may have had one drink too many and so did he.well we ended up at his house and last thing i really remember was when he started to make out with me.The next morning I woke up to him cursing himself out.I had ask him what was wrong and he me that he had been in love with me when we first ment but he didnt need to have other gangs knowing he had a weakness. When he said that we we had sex he felt bad for taking my virginity when we were not sober..we avoided eaxh other until i got sick. Damion had been taking care of me but decided to take me to the hospital were we found out i was pregnant. Damion was pissed at first because it was a bad time in the gang but he loved Ivory to much to stay mad.The Dane found out and devoted most of his available time with me and Ivory. Then we found out i had gotten pregnant again with Isabella and hes been around ever since. The reason you did not see them yesterday is because they were with Dane then tjey came home and went right to sleep." Ava nodded then said" well then i can't wait to meet them " i smiled and told her she would love them.

I hope she does

~~~~~~~~~ ~~

It finally out thank you Jesus.So what do you think about Viper and her story. I think its quit sweet but dont mind me ima just be over here sipping my tea ☕️
Lol anyway thanks for read plz vote and comment 😘😘😘

Word count:793

Kidnapped by the son of a gang leader (FINISHED AND EDITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang