Part 2

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'Thomas wckd is good.'

'Thomas!' I screamed as I saw Newt drown.

I woke up with a hand going over my mouth to see Newt.

"Uh, what happened?" He asked.

"Just a dream." I told him.

"Come on, follow me." I didn't hesitate I followed him. 

We got to a maze wall. 

"See these names?" He asked me

"No I see writing or carvings of words." I said sarcastically. He chuckled I ran my han over his name then George. His name was different it was crossed off. 

"Why is his name crossed off?" I asked with my hand running over it.

"If you die we cross your name off, well we get someone else to because we can't bring our selves to." He said looking down at all their names.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't of asked?" I said bringing him into a hug.

"It's okay, I would of brought it up." He said braking the hug. 

"Here." He said holding out a knife. I grabbed it and carved it next to his. He had a huge smile on his face.

"Look I'm sorry." Newt said.

"About what?" I asked looking at him.

"I don't know. For making you feel sorry for me. I wonder why did they send you up?" He asked himself.

"Because like the rest of humanity I'm prefect." I joked trying to make him smile. It worked he pulled me into a hug.

"I hate seeing you up set Newt." I told him with my head on his shoulder.

"It's okay Jade, I hate seeing you sad too." He said squeezing me before letting go.

"Come on everybody should be up at this time." He said grabbing my hand as we walked back.

We sat were we sat last night. "You know I don't remember leaving from here?" I said confused.

"Yeah, you fell asleep and I carried you back." He said.I smiled.

~1 month later~I am now a runner.~

A loud buzz went over the maze we all ran up to the box. Newt and Gally opened the door's Gally jumped down.

"Rise and shine. Day one, Greenie." He said. Thank god they can now stop saying that.

He threw him out, why does he look familiar. He looks up at me. He starts running. He tripped over his own feet. I laughed and the guys cheered and we ran towards him.

"For a minute there I was going to make you a runner." Newt said. After I became a runner Newt and I haven't been talking. I frown I miss that voice. 

"Come on Greenie let me show you around." Alby told him. 

"You ready Jade?" Minho asked me. I blinked a few times looking away from Newt.

We ran to the maze.

"Hey you okay? I saw the way you looked at Newt." Minho asked me as we ran around the corner.

"Yeah just really hoping he will start talking to me again." I said 

"Maybe you should talk first. You know when you became a runner Newt came yelling at me." He said stopping I stopped and looked at him.

"What? Why?" I asked moving forward.

"Because he cares for you. But the way he was acting was like he was in love with you." He said starting to run again. I look back and shake it off I'll talk to Newt when I get back. I catch up to Minho. 

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