Part 3

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I woke up to Gally. 

"May I help you?" I asked tirely.

"Yeah it's afternoon, Ben went in for you." He said I sighed. 

I got up. "Where's Newt?" I asked I have to talk to Newt.

"With Thomas in the Garden." He said pointing behind him.

"Okay, thank you." I said walking out. 

"Wait!" I heard Gally scream I stopped and Gally came in front of me and tried to kiss me, I saw Newt turn away I backed up.

"What?" He asked.

" You tried to kiss me." I told him backing up again.

"So what if I was?" He ask as if it was fine.

"I'm in love with Newt okay I have to go." I said running in front of the log where me and Newt use to sit at. An hour later I heard yelling I ran by the woods and see nothing. Great I'm hearing this now.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" I heard Thomas. Ben got on top of him and started chocking him. I pushed him off and Ben attacked me. He sqeezed my arm. I screamed in pain.  Newt knocked him off with a stick. Frypan and Jeff held him down. Newt grabbed me and Thomas. 

"You okay, Greenies?" He asked Thomas and me. I looked down at my arm and fainted.


'Thomas, stop your killing him.' I yelled I was tied in a chair. I bent backwards and broke the chair. I throw it at the glass and it broke making Newt fall on me. 

'Thanks LOve.' He said they gabbed us both and throw us in water.

'Thomas' I screamed as water filled my lungs.

I caughed as I jumped up.

"She's up." I heard Thomas.

"Go tell the other's." Newt?


"Jade, hey love it's okay." Did he call me love.

"I didn't...... kiss Gally....... I pulled him off." I tried to breath.

"Hey...... it's okay" He said looking down.

"No it's not.....I love someone else I could never do that to you..........Newt I'm in love with you." I said sitting up.

" I said sitting up

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"You are....?" He said prossesing everything, but the guys walk in.

"What?" I asked as they look around.

"Your up. Oh I missed you." Chuck said hugging me. I hugged back. Once we broke apart I stood up on the side with Newt he helped steady me.

"Woah there, love. You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm great." I told him hugging him we stead like that for a few seconds.

"Newt here, was flipping out I am happy your up. If I had to do with flipping out Newt I'm going to give myself to a Griever," Fred said. I laughed. 

"Oh. Crap where's Minho?" I asked.

"It's okay love, Alby went in, instead." I calmed down a bit. 

"Actually they should be coming back." Chuck said we all ran toward the maze doors.

"Where are they?" Jeff asked.

"They will make it." Newt said calm.

Then around the corner I saw Minho carrying Alby then Alby fell and he started dragging him. 

"Hey something's wrong." Winston said.

"They're not going to make it." Newt said sounding sad I grabbed his hand he looked at me.

Next thing I know Thomas goes in. Me and Newt tried to grab him. THE maze closed.

"No, what are we going to do?" Chuck asked.

"We wait." I told him. 

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