Part 7

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We ran into a room and watched a video. Of a woman.

"If your watching this it means, you survived the maze. I wish I was there to congratulate you...." The woman said. I walked away. And heard a gun shot and looked back at the video. Did she just shot herself?

Thomas was looking at something about to walk to it before we found Gally. He was stong.

"Gally?" I said.

"This is your fault." He said.

"Gally come with us." Newt said.

"There is no way out!" He shouted. "I remembered everything. Tommy... You... Don't... Want to remember." He said. Pointing a gun at me and Tommy.

"This is y'all fault, I tried to get rid of one." He looked at me.

"It was you who cut me?" I said asking him.
He went to shoot me and Tommy, but Chuck got in front of us. And Minho threw a spear and it got him in the chest. Gally breathed heavy and fell.

"Jay, Tommy." I heard Chuck say in a low voice I barley heard him. He was shot.

"Chuck no!" Thomas yelled as he fell I couldn't move. Newt put a hand on Thomas shoulder.

"Jade, give this..  Parents." He held out the Gorilla we carved. I took it and told him.

"I promised." I told him he looked at me.

"I knew... I'll die." Was the last thing he said. Tears were storming down my face. I stood up. Newt hugged me.

"I promised him. I told him he'll live." I said crying in Newt's shoulder.

"I know, Love it's okay." Newt said hugging me tight. Then men in suits came in grabbing us and Thomas wouldn't leave Chuck witch made me cry more.

They pulled us into a helicopter.

"It's okay your safe now." He said. As we went to fly off. I cried in Newt's chest. As he stroked my hair. I held up the Gorilla.  Newt looked at it.

"What's this? Is it what Chuck gave you?" All I could do was nod.

"He made it for his parents and he asked me to give it to them in case he umm... You know." I said in a low voice. He kissed me.

"Hey look." Frypan said. We all looked out the window was the maze.

"It looks like the map model." I said Newt smiled at me.

"I knew you would make it. I knew we would." I told him and pecked his lips.

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