Part 4

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We slept out side the sound of the maze opening woke us up. My head was on a chest I looked up and saw Newt. I blushed.

"Guy's it's opening." Chuck yelled. We all stand up to see nothing.

"There not coming back." Winston said. 

"Guy's look." I said as I saw them. 

"No way." Zart said.

"That's impossible." Gally said. They made it out and dropped Alby. Fred and Jeff took him. 

"You saw a Geriver?" Chuck asked.

"Yeah." Was all Thomas could say.

"He didn't just see it, he killed it." 

We went to the countsel room.

"I say we banish him." Gally said.

"Hold on. Minho you were in there with him what do you think." Newt said I smiled at him. Gally rolled his eyes.

"Well, all I know is that. When I ran off to hide this Stupid Shank stayed back to help Alby. I don't know if he's brave or stupid. But whatever it is we need more of it. So I say we make him a runner." Minho said making Thomas look at him in shock.

"Thomas! Thomas!" Chuck said trying to start something.

"Thomas!" I said making him feel like he's not alone. Newt smiled at me as if he knew what I was doing.

"He's been here for 3 days and everything is already messed up our orders." Gally said.

"You better stop this nonsense, before others hear about it. That's not how it works around here, and our whole existence depends on things working." Newt paused. "Order," Newt continued. "Order. You say that bloody word over and over in your shuck head. Reason we're all sane around here is 'cause we work our butts off and mantain order. Order's the reason we put Ben out--can't have loonies runnin' around tryin' to kill people, now can we? Order. Last thing we need is you screwin' that up."

I smiled at him no wonder why Alby said he's in charge when he's not here.

"Hold on what." Gally said.

"Shut up. Go on." Newt said. I chuckled. Which cause a glare from Gally.

"I say we put him in the pit and start first thing in the morning." Minho said. I smiled.

"Alright." Newt said.

The next day Thomas, Minho, Winston, Jeff, Fred, Frypan, and me, ran into the maze where he killed the Griever. We ran up to it.

"Help me get it out." Minho said. We all grabed the leg and it's guts came out then it moved. We all jumped back. Thomas grabbed something and pulled out a weird silver and gave it to Minho.

"Alright, lets get out of here before we meet the rest of his friends." Frypan said.

"Agreed." I said and we ran out.

We got back and went to the counsel room.

"We found something." I told them entering.

Thomas handed it to Newt.

"We found it in a Griever." Thomas said.

"It looks like the stuff we get in the box." Newt said.

"Exactly. Who ever sent us here made them. And I think I might have found us a way out." Thomas said, "It the first clue you got in the last three years. Right, Minho?" Thomas asked.

"Right." Minho said.

"What if their way in is our way out." Thomas said.

"Or there could be one hundred Griever's on the other side. The thing is Thomas doesn't know what he's done as usual." Gally yelled. "Look. If I know one thing it's you don't -" We heard a loud buzz.

"What's going on?" Me and Newt ask at the same time.

"It's the box. It's coming back up." Zart said.

"It shouldn't be." Newt said. He looked at me then we all ran toward the box. 

They opened it. Newt jumped down. 

"It's a girl." Thomas said.

"What's in her hand?" I asked annoyed.

He took it out of her hand. "She's the last one ever." Is it weird to say that I love how he said ever.

She breathed out causing us to jump.  "Thomas." She said before passing back out.

We all looked at Thomas.
"I don't know her alright." Thomas said.

"She said your name." Gally said.

"Gally." I said giving him a glare.
The next day me and Thomas and Minho went in the maze.

"Oh right, I forgot to ask. How's you and Newt?" Minho asked.

"We, uh, never told about it after I told him I'm in love with him." I told him.

"I think you will soon." Thomas said.

We followed Minho til we spotted a shirt.

"Its Ben's isn't it?" Thomas asked Minho nodded.

The thing started buzzing and we followed it led a dead end.

"Dead end that's great." Minho said as it opened.

We looked at each other. And walked towards it it scaned us and the walls where closing we ran and went through the blades where closing to. Thomas got stuck on the other side we yelled for him to come on this side. He went threw him self over and we caught him and the ground was braking. Then a wall was coming down. We ran as fast as we could. Then Minho slide ober the other side me and Thomas almost didn't make it.  We sighed. I felt something go down my arm.

"Ow." I said following. Thomas catched me.

I nodded and smiled at him.

Once we got back Chuck was waiting.

"She's up." Chuck said.

"She's hurt." Minho said.

"Get Newt." Thomas said.

I screamed in pain.

Chuck ran and got Newt. I winced and cluntched my eyes shut.

"What happened?" Newt asked running to us.

"We don't know, but she's hurt bad." Minho said as I screamed again.

Newt took me.

"Hey, love, what's wrong."  He asked me.

"I...  broke my arm." I said through my teeth.

"Its okay love. "

"Newt, if I die off blood loss remember I love you." I said to him as he walks in the middle of the glade eyes soon peel on me.

"What happened, Newt?" Fred and Winston and Jeff asked at the same time.

Soon all the guys stop worring about Teresa and come near me.

"Is she going to be okay?" Newt asked Fred and Jeff as they carried me away.

"Yea, just a broken arm." Fred told him.

"Newt, why are you so freaked out." Thomas asked looking back at me.

"Because remember what I told you on the celebration we had for you?" Newt said.

"Because you have been ignoring me, because if I died you wouldn't be able to live. You didn't want me in the maze, because you can't pretect me." I said low. I closed my eyes. "Or was it when you said.
Yes, to Thomas asking if ypu loved me, but your scared to tell me.... who with love a boy that limps. You love everything about me. My lips, my smile, my laugh, I'm just perfect to you. Well Newt I love the boy that limps." I told him while falling asleep.

"You heard that love?" He asked me.

"Yup" I said popping the 'p'.

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