2 We're Home at last

775 22 14

Dipper's POV

We finally got there and we were greeted by the whole gang, it was so nice to see everyone. I just couldn't get over how much I missed everyone. We all changed so much over the years like Wendy and Robie had gotten married and now had a kid 3-year-old kid and she was so cute and she was named, well you'll never guess it was Madon. This poor kid was named after me and I hated it. Why.. I have no idea. Grenda and Candy were all grown up to and were going to be living with Mable because we both got a separate house. So she will be living with someone and I am very happy because she won't be by her self in the house because we both got a miny mansion. Her's is near both the town and the shack. And well mine is in the of the woods right where I wanted it to be. No one but me knows where it is I even got it Ford prof. Anyway, both Mable and I had jobs that were nowhere close to each other. I was a book writer and I was also writing a part for the newspaper and both jobs made me... well... rich no one knows but that's how I like it. And I swear to god in the back round if my head there was a song playing it was the song Youth I hated that song so much but yet I still hear it in the back round and still put it on in my car, phone and house. It just seemed to stick with me.

So anyway we had gotten to the shack and I heard music and seen lights all over the place it so nice the whole town had shown up to us.

"Hey!" I heard someone say to me so I turn around to see Gideon

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm great and wow you look hot Dipper what the hell happened?"

" Well I got older and...that's it."I said and I could see he was trying not to laugh

He was still the same I think that thing that is that he got taller and cut his hair. He was wearing his light blue dress pants with a black belt with a white button-up shirt with his light blue coat over it all.

"Hey what happened to the joule that was around your neck?"

" Oh yeah I have it right here, I want you to have it. I think that blue is a better color on you."

"No, I can't take it's y-y-yours."

"No, it's yours now so here. So let me help you out here!"

Gideon tied it around my neck and the powers in it just went deep into my soul. The feeling of it just... just made me feel a little dead inside.

"Sooooo how do you like? It made me feel a little more alive. How does it make you feel?"

"First I love it thank you and second it makes me feel umm..... um it makes me feel the same way."


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