Bad news

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Third POV

After the concert was over the band decided they wanted to go out and drink to celebrate. "Y/n you should slow down.", Andy said to her sister taking her shot away. "Your such a prude Andy, just because you don't drink anymore doesn't mean I can't. I know when to stop.", she said hiccuping . Andy looked around seeing if anyone was sober enough to walk his sister back to the buses. He spotted Ronnie and walked towards him, "Hey do you think you can take my sister back to the buses? I think she's had enough." Ronnie finished his drink, "Yeah I was about to head out anyway. I shouldn't drink anymore." He walked to Y/n, "Hey lets go, your brother wants me to take you back to the tour bus." Y/n sighed and got up walking out the bar Ronnie following behind.

They made it back to the buses but Y/n walked to Ronnie's tour bus instead of her brother's. Ronnie sighed and they went inside and went to the bunks. "You can take my bunk. I'll sleep on the couch." "Wait don't go.", Y/n said and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Y/n what are you doing?", Ronnie asked. "Well I find you very attractive and would like to see how the famous Ronnie Radke is in bed.", she smirked. "Look you're drunk and my best friend's sister.", he said as he pushed her away. "Yes I am drunk but not enough to know I want.", she said as she kissed him. He couldn't resist and kissed her back as he backed her up to the bed laying her down and getting on top. He pulled away to take his shirt off, "Are you sure you consent?" Y/n smirked pulling him down, "Yes." As soon as the words left her mouth he kissed her. 

Time skip cause ya'll know what went down

The next morning Y/n woke up to the sun shining in her face. She looked around her to figure out where she was. She noticed she was in bed with someone as she looked at who it was she gasped, "Shit what did I do last night." She shook Ronnie, "Ronnie wake up." Ronnie mumbled, "Aren't you supposed to be gone by now? I don't do relationships." Y/n scoffed and got out of bed, "Wow Radke. You really are something to not remember who you slept with last." She got dressed and stormed out of the bus.

Ronnie woke up to the bus door slamming. He sat up grabbing his clothes getting dressed then headed to the kitchen. "Please tell me you didn't sleep with Y/n?", Jacky asked. As he said Ronnie remembered that it was Y/n who he slept with. "No I didn't, she's my best friend's sister. She got drunk last night and walked in here instead of Andy's trailer. She fell asleep and I didn't want to wake her so I let her stay here last night.", Ronnie said thinking up a quick lie. Jacky rolled his eyes and walked away.

Andy's POV

When I got to the bus last night Y/n wasn't there but I went to bed thinking she was safe. I heard the bus door open and walked out the bunk area to see Y/n walking in. "Hey where did you go last night after you left the bar?", I asked her as she walked past me to the bunk area. I wanted to follow after her but Ashley stopped me. "Hey let me go talk to my sister. She seems upset.", I said as I looked at him. "Yes but she is your sister and if she wants to talk to abut what is upsetting her she will at some point. Don't pry.", he said.

Four weeks later

Jake's POV

I woke up to the sound of Y/n puking again, that was like the fifth time this week. I needed a few things from the store so I decided to go. While I was in line I saw Y/n with a pregnancy test in her hand. The cashier was giving her a judgmental look as she rang her up so I walked up to her, "So we might have a kid babe?" "Um yes sweetie.", she said looking at me with surprise. She turned back to the cashier after she heard the total. She paid for her stuff and left. I didn't follow her because I didn't want to pry into her business. When she's ready she'll tell people what's going on.

Y/n's POV

Back at the bus Y/n was in the bathroom waiting for the timer to go off to get the results of the test. She paced in the bathroom anxiously. The boys were out playing a show so she didn't have to worry about anyone walking in on her. Five minutes later the timer went off. Y/n picked up the test looking at the positive sign. She fell to the floor crying not knowing what's gonna happen now.

Third POV

After the show everyone went out to drink except Jake. When he got to the bus Y/n was still in the bathroom just laying on the floor. Jake walked into the bathroom, "Oh my gosh Y/n are you ok?" Y/n sat up and handed him the test saying nothing. "Oh no Y/n, I'm so sorry.", he said sitting next to her. She looked at him, "I don't know what I'm gonna do Jake. I don't think the father is gonna want anything to do with the baby." Jake sighed, "I'm sure whoever it is will be happy about it." She chuckled, "The father is Ronnie."

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