The Truth is Revealed

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Third POV

"Ronnie? Y/n what did you do?", Jake asked her. She stood up, "I don't know. I was drunk enough to have sex but apparently so drunk we forgot to use protection." Jake stood up, "You need to tell Andy." She looked at him with fear in her eyes, "No I can't. He will kill him for not only sleeping with me but also getting me pregnant." "He and everyone will eventually find out." "You don't think I know that? I will tell Ronnie first but please keep this a secret until I'm ready to tell everyone else." Jake sighed, "Ok I won't tell anyone." "Thank you.", she responded as she walked out of the bus and towards Ronnie's.  

Third POV

Y/n knocked on the bus door nervous. The door swung open revealing Ronnie, "Y/n what are you doing here? I thought I made it clear I don't do relationships." Y/n rolled her eyes and barged in, "I know but I have to tell you something." "Well come in why don't you.", he said closing the door. Y/n looked around to make sure no one was there. "Don't worry no one is here.", he said sitting on the couch. Y/n sat next to him, "I'm pregnant and it's yours." Ronnie stood up, "No! I want nothing to do with that child! Get rid of it!" "No! I am not getting rid of this child. I came here to tell you that I'm pregnant. You don't have to be in this child's life. I just thought you should know. Whatever you choose to do with the information I don't care.", she said then left.

Jacky walked out of the bunk area, "Really?I thought you said you didn't sleep with her." Ronnie looked at him, "Ok so I slept with her. Why does it matter?" Jacky scoffed, "Because I like her, everyone in Black Veil Brides and this band knows that except you apparently." Ronnie laughed, "Well good luck trying to date her now." Jacky left the bus and headed for the BVB bus to tell Y/n how he feels. Maybe she would consider dating him but he wasn't sure since she found out she's gonna be a mother. 

He knocked on the door, Y/n was the one to answer. "Jacky? What are you doing here?", she asked coming out closing the door behind her. "I know about the baby. I was in the bunk area when you told Ronnie. Don't worry I won't tell anyone. I came here to tell you that I like you. I know that you are pregnant with Ronnie's child and dating is the last thing you probably want to do but I wanted to ask you out anyway." Y/n smiled, "Yes its true I'm gonna be a mother but I would love to go on a date with you but you have to understand you will be dating me and if it works out you'll be in my child's life." Before Jacky could respond they heard the door swinging open behind them, "You're pregnant?! Who's the father Y/n?!" Y/n turned around, "Before I tell you, you have to promise me you won't kill him." "Who is the father?!", Andy yelled. "It's Ronnie but please don't hurt, it was consensual." Andy didn't care, all he could feel was the anger in his body as he stomped off towards the FIR tour bus. He barged in not even wanting to knock. He walked towards Ronnie and punched him in the face. Before Andy could get another hit in Derek pulled him away. "What the fuck Andy?!", Ronnie yelled wiping the blood from his nose. "Your seriously asking me what the fuck. You know what you did! You took advantage of my sister when she was drunk then got her pregnant as a result!", he said trying to get out of Derek's arms. "I did not take advantage! I told we couldn't sleep together because she was drunk and your sister. She told me that she was still sober enough to say she wanted to." "You should've still said no! I was your best friend and she is my sister!" "Yes I could've said no but I wanted her as much as she wanted me. I'm sorry that we were too drunk to remember to use protection but don't worry I won't be in the child's life or yours." Andy got out of Derek's arms, "You really are an asshole Radke. We are no longer friends and you will stay away from my sister. We will finish this tour then I never want to see you again." 

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