Lyvie, Lyvie, Lyvie...

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"Okay Lyvie.  Your biggest problem so far in the acting lesson is looking at me, or the camera in a movies case."

"I'm so ashamed!"  Robert and I had many acting lessons and we were having fun with them!  And, he was officially my acting manager, so he was the mastermind behind all the auditions!

"Lyvie, Lyvie, Lyvie...  Work on drama, okay."

"Okay, Mr.  Jr."

"Oh, and good news. . ."

"What is it!"

"I found a part that would be perfect, you just have to practice.  A lot."

"Is it a hard role?"

"Well, um, let me think. . .  YES!"  Oh no.  My first audition would be hard for me.  I was in trouble.

"When is it?"

"That's why it's hard.  It's tomorrow."  My eyes flew wide open.  Why tomorrow!  I don't have any lines ready.  Robert better be a go on teaching me today.

"Oh, um.  So I guess we better get started."

"Yep, okay, so.  It is a movie, and the part your trying out for is a lead role."


"I know, so the character's name is Bella and, no, it is not for a Twilight movie."


"Anyway, she is a sweet little girl until she finds that she can shape shift.  But little does she know, there is a certain group of kids around the world that are like her.  Some can read minds, and other things.  But, Liv?"

"Bella, is the actual main character."

"How did you know?"

"I love that book.  "World of the Wise"  I LOVE that book."

"Did you know why I chose it for you?"


"There are five superhero like kids, and well.  They are like the Avengers!"

"So you chose that part because since Bella is the main character like Iron Man!  I can not live up to Iron Man!"

"Yes, you can.  If you try!  So, let's get to rehearsing."  And we were working at it for a couple of hours until Josh came and picked me up.  I was so nervous.

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