Bad Choice's

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I walk into the radio station door.  Taking a deep breath.  I know what I would say.  I needed to apologize to Ryan.  Real or not, what he thought I did would be unacceptable.  I would say that I didn't do that, but apologize anyway.  Right.  I wait until I'm in the booth.

"And ladies and gentleman, may I present, the beautiful, cunning and wonderful. . . Liv Hutcherson!"  I giggle.  Liam not bursting into my mind.  Shoot!  Now that he 'isn't' he is!  Errrrrrrgggggg. . .

"Oh, stop it!"  I say jokingly.

"It's great to have you here, Liv!"

"Great to be here!"

"So, we all want to know one thing.  Who's the boy?"

"Oh, um, he was the boy of my dreams, Ryan.  But my old boyfriend, Cameron, told Ryan that I was still with him."

"Ooooooo, do you think he was perhaps jealous?"  He wiggled his eyebrows at me, making me laugh.

"I think so!  But, I would never cheat.  Anyway, Ryan and I recently broke up.  I'm hoping he'll see that I didn't.  I think non superstar's are the people for me."

"Awwwww!  I bet if he's hearing this, he'll come right back to you!"

"Hahaha!  He's not that kind of boy.  But, I wanted to apologize to him,"

"Oh, go right ahead."  He smiled at me.

"Ryan, your super cute and I loved the dates that we had together.  I really like you and I need you to be  with me.  I'm sorry.  Please come back."  The announcer looked shocked.  I really meant it.

"Wow, if I were Ryan I wou-"  My phone honked, a text message.  From Ryan.  My eyes started to tear up.  The guy looked at me.  Nodding for me to read it.  The text was, amazing.

'i really lik u 2!  Liv, i realizd that wat i did was stupd. i shud hav trustd u.  can i hav a secnd chnc?  im srry agn.  MOOD: Hopeful that Liv will give me a sec. chance! P.S: your all i need to 'Liv''  The text was all I could have hoped for.

"So, who's the texter?"


"What's the situation, mad or happy?"

"Absolutely happy.  Ryan, of course you get a second chance."

"Can we know what he said."

"Well, I'll say he said that I'm what he needs to 'Liv' and that was so sweet."

"Well, congradulations, Liv.  So, let's get started on movies. . ."  He dragged on and all I could think about was Ryan.  How it miht be awkward between us, but we would get used to it.  I walk out of the door.  Josh was at home, waiting, listening.  I wonder what he would think.


What?!  He was getting back together with her?  I felt weird about it.  She really lieked him, but, honestly, I thought he was iffy.  I cared about Liv and I didn't want her to get hurt.  I felt like talking to someone, not about her just talk.

"C'mon, Josh, no one's here.  It's okay to talk to yourself."  I reasured myself.  I wasn't one to talk to myself like that.  But, who really care's.  I was in the kitchen, making  sandwich..

"Josh, why does she have to be with HIM?!  I feel, like he's gonna break her heart.  I know it.  Her choice is bad and stupid to be with him.  Again."  I hear footsteps.  Oh-no.

"Stupid?"  Liv asked.  I was in trouble now.

"No, I din't mean that, Liv!"  She was running up the steps.

"Thanks for making me feel good about my choice, JOSH!"  She snaps half way up the stairs.

"Lyvie, come back down, I'm sorry."

"Well, sorry's not gonna cut it, superstar.  Shutup and leave me alone!"  She screams.  She was seriously mad at me.  She wouldn't talk to me for days, maybe weeks.  Great.  I felt so bad.  See, Josh!  This is what you get for talking to yourself.  You wern't even alone!  Stupid, stupid, stupid!  But, still, he would break her heart.  On perpose.  And, if she acted like this to me, I wouldn't be there for her, maybe.


Hello!  So, um, this story is heating up!  I hate making Josh be mad at Liv and Liv, Josh.  I don't like people fighting.  But, something bad would have to happen sometime!  Anyway. . .  SO, do you think that Ryan meant to get back with Liv to break her heart?  Or is he really liking her?  Any way, again.  LATERADE!(as pandaluv2001 would say, she says that!  Not me!  Okay, so chack out her books!)

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