Paparazzi Party Reserved

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My eyes are wide open stupidly.

"Josh, face it.  You know I'm gonna win."  I say to a staring Josh.  We were so bored that we were having a staring contest.

"C'mon!  I could do this for hours!"  Now that Josh has finished filming all the hunger games movies, he will be working on the third Journey movie.  Sadly, I didn't get the part I wanted, I didn't get the part at all.  Not one part of the movie.  I haven't blinked in five minutes, believe it or not!  Joshie hadn't either.

"I'm your sis, you have to let me win!  I'll throw a fit if I lose!"

"So, your guilting me into letting you win!"  His eyes burned and so did mine.

"Hate to say it but yes!"

"Throw as many as you want!  This game is mine to win and yours to lose!"  We were quiet.  I couldn't do this anymore, he would have to win.  But that would be great for him!  Since every other time, he makes himself lose!  The power of adoption!  My phone buzz's.  It's a text.  Josh knowing me smirks.  I never ignore a text.

"I'm not gonna pick it up!"

"I dare ya!  What if it's your boyfriend!"  He says in a girly voice.

"Fine, time out!"  I make a T with my hands over and over.

"There is no time out in a staring contest!  Only lose or win!"

"Ugh. . . . .  Fine, you win."  I blink till my eyes have their regular moistness to them.  So does Josh.  I pull out my phone, and the text IS from Ryan.

"hey!  hows it goin? anyway, i was wondering if you and J wanted to com to dinner 2nite! it wud b at seven at this place called rigatori's!  paparazzi love it there!  just to let u no, sarah wud com 2!"

"lol, i was just considering 2 go 2 rigatori's 2nite also!  funny!  i wud luv 2!  ill ask j!  i wud b glad 2 hav sar com 2!  kk?  i'll ask joshie rite now and txt u the deets!"  I smile at the text.  He loves to bring Sarah.

"k, :-)"

"Hey, Josh?"  Josh was in the shower, so I had to yell.

"What?"  He yells back.

"Do you want to go to Rigatori's with Ryan and Sarah at seven tonight?"

"Um, sure!  I'll get out of the shower and talk to you some more, okay?"

"Sure!"  I walk down the stairs and text Ryan.

"he sed k!  but wants to tak mor about it when he gets out of the shower!"

"alrity!  see def u and mayb j at dinner 2nite!"

"kk <3!"


"By!"  I exit my texting app as Josh walks down the stairs in jeans, Converse, and a blue tee shirt.  Nice for Rigatori's.  R's (Rigatori's from now on) was not fancy, but it cost up to $100 a person!  Josh and Ryan, and I would split the check, definatly.

"Hey, lil sis!"

"Hey, Joshie!"

"You should probably get ready for R's."

"Hmmmmmm. . .  What shoul I wear?"

"Something good for a first kiss."


"I don't know!  What if you have your first kiss tonight?"

"I've already had my first kiss, thank you very much!"

"Ohhhhhhhh!  With who?"

"Nolan Gould."

"Who's he?"

"He was the genius kid in World of the Wise!"

"Has he been in anything else?"

"Yes, Modern Family, so, anyway, what should I wear?!"

"I could care less!"

"Rude!"  I end the conversation.  Prance to my bedroom and pick out a pair of floral shorts(white pants, baby blue flowers) an American Eagle ahirt that says 'Free As A Bird' on it, and pair it with some gray suede boot cause it was pretty chilly tonight.

"Do I look like a movie star, Joshie?"

"Yes, a sassy one!"  I laugh at his comment.  It was already six thirty.  We would probably leave in probably five minutes.

"Well then!"

"Nice hair sweet heart!" He says sarcastically.  Shoot!  I forgot to brush it!

"That was totally friendly and uh, who are you?  Haymitch?"

"Haha, very funny.  But Peeta here is also an impersonater!"  This conversation was seriously weird.

"Um, okay. . .  So, uh, let me go do my hair and the we can leave, kay?"

"Sure!  But I call dibs sitting next to Sarah!"  i do my hair and we get in the Range Rover.  When we get there Ryan sits at the table and does not look happy.  At.  All.

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