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Freshman year. The year where most teenagers began to question everything they've ever learned. Morality, Religion, and the meaning of life itself.

When we're young, our parents begin to shape us, they reprimand us when we're wrong, and praise us when we're right. As children, we're far from perfect. There's room for error.

As my parents oh so regularly quoted to me:

"We're not raising adults, we're raising children to become adults."

I think about that a lot. Oftentimes in my youth I would take advantage of this saying to cause as much mayhem as I could for my parents.

One of the earliest lessons I remember learning, was the Butterfly Effect.

Some things can change in the blink of an eye, some things remain motionless. Who would've thought that a mere, broken water fountain would set the entire school ablaze.

And I'm starting to think I should've just stayed in the detention room.

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