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Sirius' P.O.V
"Guys! He's awake" I shouted as Remus  began to stir. He groaned. "What the shit why is my head broken?" he hissed in pain, his eyes flashing gold. "We were hoping you could tell us" I said gently. He looked at me sadly. "Yea.. I guess I should" he said, drawing breath to say something. Just then Snivvleus burst into the ward with a very smug look on his face. "Uh oh" murmured Lilly. James nodded. Everyone, even Remus, looked tense and hostile. Snape flounced into the ward with a calendar in his hand. Remus went pale, as if he knew what this was all about. Severes grinned in a way that made me want to punch him. "Rough night Remus?" He asked. Remus clenched his jaw. "The fucks it got to do with you?" He demanded. "Oh everything.." he said in a singsong voice. "I've figured it out! Take a look at this calendar Remus, and tell me what you see" he paused, waving it triumphantly in his face. The colour slowly drained from his features. The rest of us looked at each other and hid our wands behind our backs, ready to hex Snape from here to next Monday. Snape smirked "I was right! You really are a W-" Snape was cut off as Remus whipped out his wand and put a silencing charm on him. "Remus? Is there something you need to tell us" Asked James gently. Remus sighed. "You guys never knew how I got these scars" he said, laughing sadly. He looked me dead in the eye and said "you never put two and two together? You never wondered why my name was was Wolf McWerewolf? Why I would always disspear during a full moon?" Lilly gasped. "You mean-" Remus nodded. "Yes Lilly" he said. "I'm a werewolf"

Remus' P.O.V

I waited for my mates to scream and run away but instead Sirius pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry"he said. "I'm so so sorry you had to go through that." I hugged him back despite the pain. James looked at Snape, glaring. "I assume you weren't going to tell us today Moony" I shook my head. "I had a different date in mind. I was planning to tell  you when I was ready" I said "But SNIVVLEUS here forced my hand." I growled slightly. Snape froze. Sirius pulled out his wand and pressed it just underneath Snapes' chin, into the soft fleshy part. He got very close, their noses almost touching, his eyes blazing, "Now look here Severus" he spat, his voice a dangerously low. "You mess with my friend again, You irritate him, You do anything he is uncomfortable with or anything he wants to do in his own time and you spill the beans, In other words, if I find that you have vexed him, or done ANYTHING without his consent I swear to Merlin, I will ship you off to Azkaban so fast It'll make your head spin, ARE. WE. CLEAR?" He growled, punctuating his sentence with a jab of his wand. Snape nodded. "Now, as insurance" said James, his eyes alight, "to make sure you remember this" he pulled out his wand, and reached into his bottomless bag. "Accio Veritaserum!" A small bottle flew out of his bag and into his hand. Before Snape knew what was happening, James had poured it into his mouth. "Right! Who is your crush Severus?" He asked maliciously. "L-L-Lily E-E-Evans" he choked out, obviously trying to resist, but James potion was a good one. We all freaking froze. Snape looked at Lilly like I'm sorry. James was really fucking angry and we thought he was about to explode. Lilly stood up and walked over to Snape. "Look Severus, I may have liked you before, and it's nice to know you have feelings for me, but to do something like that? That's just despicable. Why would you do it?" She asked, not caring that James was growing purple. "I was jealous" he replied. "So why take it out on Remus?" She questioned. Snape shrugged. "I couldn't seem to get through to James in any way whatsoever, so I decided to go through the weakest link" he said snarkliy, some of his old fire returning. Sirius and James snapped. "REMUS HAS MORE COURAGE IN HIS LEFT EAR THAN YOU WILL EVER HAVE IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! DO YOU HEAR ME SEVERUS?" He roared. Snape shrunk. "Yeah Snape!" Chimed in James, red in the face. Sirius let go of his collar. James pulled out his wand and hexed snape with some unknown spell. "Now GET" he snapped, jabbing a thumb at the door. Snape slithered our of his seat and skunk out of the ward.

James' P.O.V

Turning back to Moony, I saw that he had tears in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Did that snake say anything else to you?" I was still pretty pissed. Remus shook his head. "No" he said, nearly crying. "It's just, I'm just so amazed that you guys would to that for me, all my life, people have looked at me like I'm a monster." He said sadly. At this, Sirius turned into Padfoot and started licking his face. He laughed. Lily looked confused. "Wait.... You guys have animagi?" She asked.  Sirius turned back, not noticing that his arm was around Remus' shoulders. He snorted. "Why do you think they call me Padfoot?" He asked, turning back into his dog once more. Lily nodded. "I thought that they were just stupid nicknames you gave each other." Peter looked hurt and turned into Wormtail, and I turned into prongs. Lily grinned and stroked my fur. Remus smiled. "Get a room" he said, making a mock shooing motion. Lily patted Mooney's hand in sympathy. Padfoot looked like he wanted to bite her. What was that all about? I thought.

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