Don't Do That You Twat

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Remus' body gave a violent jerk as the electricity ran through his system. The room watched apprehensively as he settled down again. He didn't move. Mrs Potter repeated the action with the same result. "C'mon Remus FIGHT" mumbled Tonks, curling a fist. 

Sirius moved to his lover's side once more. "Please Rem, wake up! I'll do anything.." Mrs   Potter, who had been deep in thought for a long time, now flicked her wand and a blue orb flew out from the tip and flew over to Sirius, embedding itself in his chest, a green orb did the same with Remus.

 A sharp pain flared and Sirius gasped, placing a hand over his heart. All of a sudden, Remus gave a huge shuddering breath and the light around him glowed green. Immediately, the occupants of the room crowded his bedside. Remus' eyes fluttered open and he coughed. "I-is Sirius ok?" He mumbled.

 The Marauders and Lily simultaneously let out a huge sob of relief and flung themselves at the werewolf. "You died Remus, we were so scared" 

Remus hugged them all tightly. "Yeah, I remember" Marlene carefully patted his hand. 

"What was it like?" She asked. The werewolf's eyes glazed as he thought back. "I remember getting hit with a knife and blacking out. I woke up here and faded in and out of consciousness for a while until you got me stabilized. I remember my heartbeat slowing down and eventually stopping" he frowned. "Then I woke up, just now" 

James hugged him. "Did it hurt?" 

Remus smiled grimly. "Do you want an honest answer or a kind answer?" 

James hesitated. "Kind"

"It was completely painless" 

Sirius narrowed his eyes. "Honest answer?" he prompted. 



"Think the Cruciatus curse but take it down a few notches" The room was in an uproar. 

"I would smack you but you just came back from the dead," said Lily. Remus could only shrug as the rest of the room bombarded him with questions such as "Why didn't you say something?!"

"It's not like I could scream, it's like being in a coma but you can feel and hear everything" At that moment, Mrs. Potter slumped forward, looking very pale.

 "Mum?!" cried Sirius, alarmed. She waved a hand in acknowledgement and pushed herself against the chair.

"It's the charm I cast to bring Remus back. It ties your heartbeat with his. The downside is, if his heart stops, then so does yours. I'm sorry, but there was no other way" she muttered, looking down.

Sirius gaped. "Mrs Potter, there is ABSOLUTELY nothing to be sorry about. You brought Remus back, and there is nothing in the world that could make me happier" Saying this, he wrapped his arm around Remus' shoulders and pulled him against his chest.

Lily looked amazed. "How does it work?" she asked, very intrigued. 

"It requires a lot of energy and concentration, and it does cause excruciating pain for the other. Sorry, Remus" The werewolf shook his head, indicating that he did not blame her in the slightest. "And it requires a force of undying, unconditional love. If that did not exist between them, they both would have died"

Silence shook the room with the force of a thunderbolt. "Well then, it's a good thing you love me then Remmy" chuckled Sirius weakly. Peter whimpered, not wanting to think about what might happened. 

"It is a very powerful charm and can be only cast once in a person's lifetime. It is also very risky and few wizards ever attempt it. I'm glad I made the right choice." She smiled softly. 

"Thank you" was all Remus could say, tears welling up in his eyes. 

"You're all better now, right?" asked Lily, rolling up her sleeves. Tonks and Marlene did the same.

"Yes....why?" replied Remus warily. He got three slaps around the head and three bodies mushed against him. 

"Don't do that you twat" mumbled Tonks. James, Sirius, and Peter piled on too until there was only Severus left, standing awkwardly. Remus smiled at him over the pile. "Get over here" he laughed. Snape walked over, still unsure as the group broke apart and Remus sat up. 

"Put it there," he said, extending a hand. The Slytherin shook it warily and choked as Remus yanked him into a hug. "Thank you. Sirius would be dead if not for that potion" he said. Snape backed up. "It was no problem" he denied hastily. By then, Sirius and James had flanked him. 

"Uh, Sn-Severus. Remus threatened to throttle the life out of us if we didn't say something" started Sirius. "But I want to thank you for allowing my boyfriend to keep his sanity, so uh yeah. Put it there?" He offered. Once again, the Slytherin gingerly accepted the hand. James stepped forward and cleared his throat a couple times.

"I'm getting a sense of deja vu here," he grumbled. Remus shot him a look. "This is difficult for me to say. I was a j-jerk and I'm s- NO NO CANT DO IT" Much to everyone's surprise, Snape grinned. "I get the message Potter, and the feeling is mutual" he stuck his hand out. 

James shook it before receiving an electric shock that frazzled his hair. Snape sneered, but not a cruelly as he would have done in the past. "I preferred our little rivalry Potter. Farewell!" and with that, he had Disapparated. 

"Why that little-" Started the animagus, running at the door. He didn't get very far before he heard Remus collapse. Once the three were gathered at his bed again, Remus opened his eyes and laughed. "You fell for it!" he snickered. He yelped suddenly as three bat bogey hexes were aimed his way and he had to maneuver himself out of the way. 

"Don't DO that you twat!"

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