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Sirius' P.O.V

The next day, Remus was let out of the infirmary. After classes, he told us to follow him. He led us all the way to the Shrieking Shack. I shuddered at the deep gauges in the walls, and how the doors were practically ripped off the hinges, after sitting us down, he told us his story. "I wasn't always like this, My dad hated werewolves, thought all werewolves deserved nothing but death, but this one werewolf, Fenrir Greyback heard him talking. Instead of targeting my dad, he decided that it would cause more hardship on my family by biting me, I was four that night." He stopped, his eyes shining with tears. "He crept into my r-room, in werew-wolf form, s-stole over to my crib, and he-he" Remus broke down crying. I wasn't even sure I was myself but at that point I didn't care and pulled him into a hug. "Christ Moony" said James. "I had no idea. Why didn't you tell us before?" Peter nodded in agreement. Remus took a deep breath, trying to regain his compusture. "I thought you guys would leave me, just like everyone else" he said. "Oh no Moony" said Lily. "We would never do that to you" he said. Remus smiled a watery smile, still immensely depressed. I rolled my eyes. "Snap out of it Moony! You're aura would make a dementor jealous" I said. Remus laughed, a real one this time. We sat for a few hours, talking, I caught myself staring at his lips a few times, the way he would bite it when someone was talking. No! I didn't just think that! Did I!? I groaned inwardly. Please tell me i'm not falling for my best friend.

Remus' P.O.V

I was having I mental freakout. They accepted me. I thought giddily, They actually don't mind. Just then, James broke into my thoughts. "So...Uhm..Monday's a full moon innit Remus?" He asked casually. I sighed and slumped forwards, then, I saw their facial expressions. "Oh no you don't!" I said flinching a little. Sirius pinched the bridge of his nose. "We don't care what you say Moony, we're coming with you, and not taking no for an answer." There was an assembled yeah from the other four. "But what if I hurt you?!" I asked panicking. "We'll be fiiiine" said Peter breezily. "Trust us" said Sirius, placing his hand on my knee, was he blushing? I asked myself. Naw... "We're your friends." He said, his grey, stormy eyes meeting mine. I heard James mutter something that sounded like "rainbows" to Lily. Lily smacked him upside the head with her wand. "Hush" she whispered. I swallowed. "Right then, a few things you need to know, when I turn, I won't know you guys at all, so if I start attacking you, hightail (pun intended) it outta there, second thing, when you guys get to the whomping willow, use immobulus to freeze it and go through a tunnel in its roots, that'll lead you here." I paused, my voice hoarse. "You know what, I'll text you the rest of the instructions later, besides, it's getting late." I said. They muttered agreement. Crawling out of the tunnel, I saw that the whomping willow was moving but before I could warn my friends, they all crawled out of the tunnel. "Whoaaa!-" Sirius' scream was cut off as the tree caught him in the stomach and lifted him into the air. Then, Peter was hoisted into the air and placed into the branches. "DO SOMETHING ALREADY!" Screamed Sirius from the air. I unfroze and pulled out my wand. IMMOBULUS! I screamed, and at once, the willow froze. Good News: It stopped, Bad News: Sirius was free falling from 50 feet above the ground. ARRESTO MOMENTUM! I shrieked. He was slowing down, but not stopping. Sprinting to where I thought he would land, I miraculously caught him but my knees buckled and he landed ontop of me with a whomp (pun indented again) Sirius was red in the face and panting. I coughed. "Well this is awkward" he muttered, hurriedly climbing off of me.
As we headed back towards the castle, I asked James a questions. "So, what did you hex snape with?" I asked. His eyes sparked with mischief. "You'll see.." he said, a trifle maliciously. "Oh dear god Prongs what did you do?" Sirius demanded. "Yoooouulll seeeee" he said, turning into prongs and trotting off towards the castle. Peter stared after him. "I've got a bad feeling about about this.." he said uneasily.

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