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i swearrrrrr idk what this is

im so sorry everyone :(

i hope i get better with my writing



it was monday and seokmin had been standing for around three minutes in front of joshua's apartment door. he already knocked three times, yet no one is opening the said door.

"maybe, he's still sleeping?" seokmin thought to himself as he knock once again, harder this time.

"hyung, are you still sleeping?" he said through the door, hoping that joshua would hear him. "it's already 7:36 and we have to be in uni at 8." he announced.

this was a usual routine for these two. every weekdays, seokmin would go to joshua's apartment to pick him up. the two are only best friends though, even if seokmin badly wanted more. seokmin would pick joshua up because he apparently pass by his location of apartment along the way to their university.

seokmin would've opened the door already, had he brought the spare key to joshua's apartment. he only realized that the spare key wasn't in his pockets, instead he had brought the wrong keys.

he knocks once more, "hyung," he called once again.

after a few seconds, he hears a shuffling sound coming inside joshua's apartment. did joshua just wake up? they will be so late if he just did.

the door of the apartment was opened wide and seokmin sees joshua all ready.

joshua shots seokmin a smile, which seokmin returned. seokmin wishes he's the reason behind every smile of joshua, but of course, the only thing he can do is wish.

"why didn't you let yourself come in?" joshua asked seokmin as he closed the door and locked it.

they now are heading out of the apartment to go to their university.

"i brought the wrong keys." seokmin answered as they step outside the apartment.

joshua hummed. "did you wait for too long? i'm sorry i was listening to some loud music in my room, i didn't hear you knock."

"no, no. i didn't. but i badly wanted to break down your door because i thought you were already dead." seokmin chuckled.

joshua jokingly punched seokmin in the arm. "hey, i know i study a lot but i don't just neglect my health, you know." he laughed.

oh god, seokmin wanted to hear that laugh forever. he'd give up everything just to hear joshua laugh. his laugh is so angelic, seokmin feels like he's so holy that he's in heaven. he will never get tired of joshua's laugh.

"trust me, i know." seokmin gave joshua a soft smile, making joshua smile in return.

fortunately, their university is a walking distance from joshua's apartment so it's no hassle for them to just walk. besides, seokmin loves walking with joshua. seokmin loves everything he does with joshua.

however, seokmin is afraid. he is afraid to lose his best friend just because of his stupid unrequited feelings. he's afraid that once he confessed, joshua would reject him and stay away from him. it's okay for him if ever joshua rejects him, but it will hurt a lot him if joshua stays away. so he's not risking their friendship.

seokmin, sometimes, makes a move on joshua, but joshua doesn't seem to notice it. maybe he thinks of it as a friendly act of seokmin towards him so seokmin just somewhat gave up.

joshua is so precious to seokmin, he is his treasure. and seokmin believes joshua deserves all the good things in this world and the good things only. he would give them to joshua, only if he can. seokmin thinks he's no where good enough for joshua, even as a friend. but he is trying to be the best he can be to him. that just how he loves joshua so much.

our world • seoksooTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang