Starting Over

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      "Marco, you can get up now." Star said, shaking Marco, urging him to get up off the clearly uncomfortable castle floor.

"Wha-ha-ha-ha, oh!" Marco said, slowly sitting himself up off the castle floor that was now covered in ceiling and dirt from the battle moments ago. "What. Just. HAPPENED?"

"Glossarick wasn't speaking in complete sentences and due to that we...we never knew about Globgore." Star answered, annoyed.

"Why didn't the guy just. I dunno. SAY IT?!" Marco asked, annoyed.

"Cuz he's Glossarick! He's never acting right." Star sighed.

"I think your mother would agree." Marco said.

"You think?" Star asked.


Star and Marco turned her attention to the familiar British voice. It was Star's mother, Queen Butterfly rushing into the castle with her husband, King River Butterfly.

"Are you alright?!" Queen Butterfly asked hugging her daughter tightly.

"I'm fine." Star answered. "Glossarick could speak in full complete sentences this WHOLE time he didn't say anything about Eclipsa's monster love Globgore!"

"Where is she?" Queen Butterfly asked.

"Oh, yeah she went off to be with him and her baby." Star answered pointing her thumb in the direction Eclipsa went.

"Her baby?!" Queen and King Butterfly said in unison.

"Yeah, Meteora's....kind of a baby again." Marco said.

Queen and King Butterfly's mouths both hung open simultaneously and both of them fell to the ground. Star face palmed herself. First Marco and now her parents falling backward on the ground. What next?

Eclipsa held her daughter close to her as she wondered what to do next. She new nor King or Queen Butterfly would decrystallize her husband. Sure, she had the wand, but she didn't have the magic to decrystallize. Only Rhombulous of the High Commission could only possess such magic. Eclipsa wondered if she could break the crystal with her wand.

"Perhaps if I break this crystal with my magic......" Eclipsa thought. She aimed her wand toward the crystal but not at Globgore careful not to hurt him.

"Black velvet inferno." Eclipsa recited. Magic shot out of the wand like a bullet from a gun, but nothing worked.

"Midnight, shrink." Eclipsa recited, getting the same result as the last magic attempt. It was no use. Eclipsa sighed. Furious at herself for not realizing sooner rather than later the only magic that could break a crystal like this was the magic of Rhombulous of the High Commission. She needed to get her husband out of that crystal and she needed to do it now.

"Don't worry my love." Eclipsa whispered. "I promise you'll be out of there soon enough."

Eclipsa promised herself until the day she died, she would not rest until her husband was decrystallized.

Guards and construction workers were ordered by King and Queen Butterfly to get to work on the castle immediately. As the guards worked Star watched them while her parents were away settling the field between monsters and Mewmans as best they could. Marco sat next to Star. He had changed from his dress and makeup into his gray jeans, tennis shoes, and red hoodie.

"So, you finally changed out of your dress princess Turdina?" Star joked half heartedly.

"Yeah." Marco answered, rubbing his hand up and down his arm.

Star and Marco chuckled awkwardly and blushed. Quickly, they looked away from each other and frowned.

Ever since the photo booth incident everything has been awkward for them. They can't eat a meal, or just simply talk without tension filling then atmosphere. Noticing Marco wasn't looking Star's gaze turned to Marco. She took in his thick, brown hair, his hoodie, and jeans, and of course, the adorable mole on his right cheek Star always thought was cute. She sighed and rested her head in her hands as the guards continued working on the castle not caring if Marco heard. Star thought Marco was oblivious to her anyway.

"Star?" Marco asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" Star asked

"Do you remember how we met?" Marco asked.

"Yes! You were called down to the principals office and you showed me around the school. That was very nice of you." Star smiled.

"Yeah! And when I got home you said you thought everyone on earth had he last name Diaz." Marco said, chuckling lightly.

"I didn't know better." Star laughed.



"Please don't break that!" Star exclaimed. "That belonged to grandma!"

"Oh. Sorry princess." The guard said.

"Star." Queen Butterfly called.

"Yes?" Star asked.

"We're sorry, but we could get the monsters to sign the treaty for Mewmans and monsters to get along." Queen Butterfly said.

"You may want peace my dear,  but fighting a monster is much more fun!" King Butterfly exclaimed jumping up and down and punching with his hands.

"River." Queen Butterfly said, glaring at her husband.

"Right." King Butterfly said. "Sorry my dear."

"Are you going to keep trying?" Star asked.

"Yes, we'll do all we can." Queen Moon assured her daughter.

Star sighed. All that's ever happened between Mewmans and monsters was fighting nonstop.

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment and let me know what you think! See you all in the next chapter my lovelies! Bye!!😁😁😁😁😁

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