And The Race Begins

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As I pull up to the school reality hits the new kid. I was caught up in my thoughts as I looked around at all the people hugging when I heard the sound of Kayse screaming. Panicked I turned around. I should have known she just saw friends from last year.

"Oh you guys this is Jasmine."

"Wassup, im Kiyah." A a lightskinned girl with dimple piercings said to me.

"Hey Kiyah im Jasmine, but everybody calls me Jass." I said

"Im MaKayla." A girl with bright blue eyes and VERY blonde hair said.

"Im Marie...just Marie.' A Dominican girl said to me

"Hey Marie." I said smiling like an idiot

"Lets go get our schedules!!" MaKayla shouted and we all ran to the office.


"NO WAY!!!" Kiyah screamed

"What happened?" I asked

"The question is what classmate" Marie commented

"Johnathan. " She said like we all knew who she was talking about.

"Who's Johnathan?" I ask sounding so confused as always

"Yooo dont kno who he is?" Again I look stupid I mean I was only in this school for all of 5 minutes of course I dont know.

"Tell meee..."

"UGH. follow me." She took me by my arm and hauled me to her locker

"Our lockers are always next to each other...we always talk and we're good friends I could introduce you to his "posse" when he comes over here"

"Ooo dont forget to tell her about the boxes" Marie said popping a stick of gum in her mouth then handing a piece to the rest of us.

"Boxes?" I asked

"Ya." MaKayla spoke up first. "Jonathan is the boy who comes over here and steales her hat

"And hes'll kno which one is him. he has beautiful eyes and wonderful lips" Kiyah added "Oh and hes in my box witch means I really like him so dont spit game."

"Hahaha......ha....haaa" I was the only one laughing

"We take this very seriously." Marie said

"Ummmm ok so what about the other boys...are they in boxes?"

"I got Rashad." Said MaKayla "hes the one with crly hair and a lot of tatts. and he has his eyebrow shaved but its nice"

"Dillan is in mine." Marie cooed "Even tho we go out."

"WHAT!!!!" The whole group except me screamed.

"You can tell us the story at lunch...we gotta explain abot the boxes." Kayse added

"Damian is in my box" Said Kayse. I felt automatic tension.

"And Chresanto is-"

"HEYY" Kiyah calles out ass her DOPE  snapback gets takin from her head. I make a mental note that that he was....what was his name?

"An unfamiliar face" A voice interrupted my thoughts as a looked up and saw the most sexiest boy I have ever layed my eyes on.

"Whats yo name Ma?" He asked

" can c-" I got cut off by im guessing Rashad because he had not shirt on and tons of tattos. And might I say I know why there was tension EVERYBODY wanted him.

"HEYY SANTO!!!!! CATCH!!!!" He screamed throwing the hat from one end of the hall to the other.

"See you in Biology." he said giving me my schedule and flying down the hall just as the first bell rang

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