Where we goin?!?!

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Kiyahs's POV

"Why you give it to him?!?!"

"Oh im sorry baby." I couldnt stand Rashad but he was sooo......hmmm

"Whatever Rashad. Dont you have somewhere to be??"

"Nahh im not goin to class today and I want to you to come with me."

"Well you know im down for skippin but where you tryin to be??" He got this crazy smile and for some reason I wanted to go with him even more.

"Follow me." He said, and I know what your thinking, but Kiyah its the first day. Well I dont really care. imma just come back tomorrow anyways but just for all the little kids...stay in school

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Okay, Rashad where are we going??" We've been driving for at least 15 minutes now and I have no idea why I even got in the car with him. What was I thinkin??

"Calm down Bae imma take care of ya."

"Dont call me Bae now where are we goin??" He pulled up behind a building. It looked abandoned but so did most of the buildings here.

"Follow me." He got out the car and walked about 5 steps before he realized I wasent following. He looked back and smiled.

"You don't really think im coming with you do you?? Oh hell nahh nigga you got me fucked up."

"Stop being like that girl, you trusted me to bring you here, like I said im going to take care of you now come with me."

He was right, I did trust him.

"Ugh, okay but dont try no crazy shit."

"Come on, do you wanna hold my hand??"

"I literally just said-"

"This aint crazy, just me tryin to comfort you but whatever man let's go."


"Are we almost there??" We have been walkin for a good 5 minutes and my legs were starting to hurt.

"Yeah almost." He seemed distant. Right when I was about to go off he turned towards me. I looked behind him at the huge sign and smiled.

"Thought this was better than school...was I right or nahh??"

"HELL YA!!" I screamed and the biggest smile came on his face.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile at lunch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I cant belive Kiyah skipped on the first day." Kayse said

"I can...I mean shes Kiyah...I dont belive you have met her yet." Marie was right with that, I havent known her for a day and I knew.

"Yall seen Rashad??" A boy...im guessing Dillan said because he sat next to Kayse.

"Nope he must be out with Kiyah. We all know they to cool for school." After Kayse said that all the girls eyes went to MaKayla. But if she noticed she didnt say anything

"Yaa, just wish they would have invited me." Chres sat down beside me and bought out his phone.

"Take a picture with meh." Before I could argue he wrapped his arm around me and snaped a picture of the both of us.

"Ewwwww delete it."

"No its really pretty. I like it."

"Awwww. Look at the cute couple." Rashad said with Kiyah right beside them. Did I mention we were at lunch...it was 1:00 and first period was at 8. They were gone for almost 5 hours

"Damn right man but look at you. Haha tryin to hit on the first day shakin my head."

Yoooooo I think he really does like me tho

"Shut up big head" Kiyah came and sat down beside Damian and Rashad sat beside her.

"Where were you two??" MaKayla asked. She looked enraged from Chers's comment but she sounded calm despite the few cracks in her voice.

"Welll fir-" Kiyah started but she was cut of by Chres

"Or how about you tell us at the taco bell across the street." He got up and I got up with him.

"Im down." Rashad said pullin Kiyah up and wrappin his arm around her.

"Well lets go." Chres wrapped his arm around me and got his keys off the table, when we were outside I looked back at MaKayla. I didnt hear much of the conversation but I knew she was mad. Kayse and Marie were talking to her.

"Damn Ma already 56 likes." Chres said. I looked up at him.

"You did not."

"I did." He said flashing a bright smile and handing me his phone. He sure did put me on Instagram. It was cute though. Rashad and Kiyah were in it and they were makin faces. But the caption caught me off gaurd.

Me and Bae bout to go somewhere but shhhhhhh its a secret

I looked up at him but all he did was laugh and take back his phone.

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