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Kiyah's POV

"Well first we went to the moon. Then he took me to the sun." I said

"Oh so thats why you look so black."

"Shut the fuck up Chres!!" I looked around. There had to be somethin I could throw at him. I wrapped my hands around my drink. Just waitin for him to get smart again.

"So tell us what really happened"

"Well first we went to......." I looked over at Rashad smiling. And I know MaKayla got him in her box but I honestly didnt care. I mean dont get me wrong I have respect for her but after what he did for me today I cant just push him away anymore.

"....a concert." Isaid lookin back to my friends

"Damn man yall really didnt wanna take me??" Chres commented

"Nahh man just me and her...them tickets cost more than my tatts."

"Just remember that man. Just remember."

"ANYWAYS......He took me to see ASAP ROCKY!!!!" I screamed at the girls

"WHAT?!?!?!"  MaKayla shouted. Damn man I really aint tryin to let her ruin my mood. All the boys looked at her like she was crazy.

"Kiyah, can I talk to you outside." She looked real mad.

"Nahh im good. Cant leave this taco you know."

"I said can I talk to you outside." She stood up.

"And I said no. Damn MaKayla I didnt kno where we were going I just knew we was skippin but even if I did I still would have said yes!!" She looked real mad. It was actually pretty funny, the way the boys looked confused and the girls were just waitin for me to snap (I have anger issues).


"Because MaKayla I dont give a damn about what you WANT  to happen. As far as im concerned yall dont go out. He asked ME  to skip with him. He asked ME to go to that concert. So dont bitch about something that I got before you." It was my turn to stand up.

"Lets leave before we get thrown out and cant get no more Taco Bell." Marie said.

"Ya girl lets go." Chres got up and grabbed my arm. I smiled and looked at him.

"I have just one thing to do." I walked over to MaKayla.

"Your such a bitch." She said to me

"Hmmmm. Because I took "your man"??" I looked down then back up. Then I dumped all my soda on her head. "Thats petty."

"DAMNNNNNN." Everyone in the building said. I just turned around grabbed Rashad's hand then left.

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