Chapter 2

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• Andrew's POV •
A.N: So a few weeks have passed since Morgan arrived

   I'm sitting in my car, listening some very weird radio station, outside Garrett's house. We were supposed to be at Shane's half an hour ago, but Garret being Garrett was late because apparently and I quote " I can't find the right outfit to Benjamin for such an occasion". Normally I would find it weird and think that's completely crazy, but since I've been hanging out with these guys I've been learning an all new side to normal.

   "I'm here, let's go" said Garrett entering the front seat of my car and putting his bag and Benjamin in the backseat.

   "Finally Garrett, for moments I though that I would have to go there and choose his outfit myself" I stated "Well we should hurry up before Shane gets pissed off, I really don't like when that forehead vein appears" and Garrett nodded agreeing.

   The car ride was actually very small and we had such a great time, since Garret brought he's cd called "Songs to sing with straight people"... I don't even bother question anymore.

   "We're here" yelled Garrett was we were walking inside. Morgan and Ryland were sat on the couch and a kinda of angry Shane walks out of the kitchen "You better be late because you went to grab some food" he said.

"Not exactly. But, hey, I bought a new outfit for Benjamin" Garrett tried to explain himself and showed Benjamin.

"That's actual cute so I'll let it pass" Shane said making Morgan and Ryland laugh, while I sat in the couch between them. Shane called all of us because he said that he had a surprise for us. I'm kinda scared of what the surprise could be. I grabbed my camera and started filming.

" So as you all know, were all here because I've prepared a surprise for you guys..."

"Will there be snacks?" Interrupted Morgan
"No... Yes... Don't worry you'll have food" Shane said making Morgan applaud and me and Ryland laugh while Garrett was drinking soda just absorbing information.

   "As I was trying to say, since the video about the Queen Mary got so popular I decided to book us a trip to.... Flagstaff, Arizona!!" Shane said screaming at the camera.

   "And what exactly are we going to do in Flagstaff ?" Ryland asked.

   "We're staying at one of the most haunted hotels, Hotel Monte Vista. They say that two women who were thrown from the third floor, attempt to asphyxiate male guests in their sleep and that an infant whose disturbing cries send staff members running upstairs from the basement."

   "Let's make some ghost friends!" Morgan yelled happily. She was so happy with his idea, mostly because she loves all of this supernatural stuff. I find a little hard to believe in some of this but just seeing how much she gets excited about it makes me give it a chance to be true.

   For the next hour, Shane was giving us all the details about the flight, since we would leave in just four hours. Me and Garrett decided to go back to our houses to pack our bags so we wouldn't missed our flight. I couldn't be more excited for this trip.

In the plane

We all entered the plane, and, since Shane bought us first class tickets, we were paired up. Ryland was with Shane, I was with Morgan and Garrett was sitting next to some old guy.

"I'm so excited to this trip!" Morgan said waking me up from my thoughts.

" I'm very excited too, even if I don't believe in ghosts"

" At least give it a try. You'll never know what you're going to find. Maybe those two women try to asphyxiate you because you don't believe in them" she said with a chuckle right after.

That chuckle. That very cute chuckle that she gives from time to time. I know this sounds very weird but since Morgan came to L.A. I've been noticing how cute are the little things that she does. Her little chuckles, the way she laughs at Garrett's jokes, how she plays with her hair when she's editing her videos or when she's nervous... Maybe I'm starting to like Morgan... No it can't be...

"Are you listening to me Andrew" Morgan told me while snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry just zoned out. What were you saying?" I asked her looking straight at her deep blue eyes.

"I was asking you if you minded giving me your arm during takeoff. It makes me really anxious but if you don't want to I understand..." I didn't let her finish her sentence and gave her my hand.

"It's okay Morgan. Just don't squeeze it too hard. I would like to keep my hand working" I told her making her laugh.

The plane started taking off and I felt Morgan's hand grabbing my harm tighter. Shane was looking at us, and then he looked at me with his look like "I'm watching you two".

She didn't talk at all while the plane was going up. When the plane stabilized, Morgan let out a sigh. She looked so more peaceful right now.

"Did I hurt you?" She asked.

"No, don't worry" I told her " You look very tired"

"Yhea, I've not been sleeping so well" she says while she rest her head in my shoulder. I sat closer to her so she would be more comfortable. And the funniest part is that she never let go of my arm.

Shane was still looking at us giving me the same look until he grabbed his phone. Not many minutes after my phone buzzed in my pocket:
Shane - So you and Morgan?
Andrew - We're just friends...
Shane - Please I can see the way you look at her
Andrew - I don't know...
Shane - You look very cute together so... but you're the one who knows

Shane wasn't completely wrong. I couldn't stop to look at her. How she was calmly sleeping, grabbed onto my arm, how her blonde hairs falls in her head perfectly, how, even sleeping she send those happy vibes that she has. I could stay like this forever. I think I like Morgan...

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