Chapter 4

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• Andrew's POV •

   I was deep in my sleep when I heard someone calling for me and touching me. As I recognize the voice, I immediately woke up. While I open my eyes, I feel someone falling into my arms.

   I look over and see Morgan passed out on my arms. I felt like my heart just collapsed. What the hell had just happened? I look around and everyone was still peacefully sleeping. I saw if she had a pulse and if she was breathing. Since she was doing both, I started calling for her and trying to wake her up. I started to become scared as she wasn't waking up, so I decided to wake everyone else in the room.

   "Guys wake up. Please wake up" I yelled

   "What's happening Andrew? Why are you up at 3am in the morning?" Shane asked starting to get up.

   "It's Morgan. She came to me, woke me up and now she's passed out on my arms" as I said this everyone got up and came next to me. Everyone was trying to wake her up but nothing was working out.

   "Guys let's call the 911. I can't wait any longer" Ryland said starting to tear up. Garrett grabbed his phone and dialed the 911. When they answered, he explained the situation and gave them the name of the hotel. It took the ambulance 35 minutes to arrive. The paramedics put her in a stretcher and took her downstairs. We followed them downstairs.

   "One of you should come with the lady in the ambulance in case she wakes up" the paramedic told us.

   "Andrew go with her. If Ryland goes with her, I think he'll pass out too" Shane told me.

   I didn't even think twice. I entered the ambulance and sat next to her. The paramedic closed the back door and made signal to the one driving that we could go.

   "You should grab her hand in case she starts to wake up and has some reaction. And you should also talk with her" the paramedic told me as he was preparing some kind of liquid to inject Morgan. I grabbed her hand like she was falling. At least that's how I was feeling, that she was escaping my arms and falling...

"Hey Morgan, it's me Andrew. I don't know if you can hear me or not, but please wake up, we can't lose you, I can't lose you. Ryland is really worried about you, he was starting to have a panic attack. Garrett, as soon as he saw the ambulance started crying. And Shane, even though he wasn't showing, I know he was super worried about you, everyone could see it in his eyes. And I'm stressing out just by the thought of loosing you. I just can't. I need you to make you jokes about food, to keep falling everywhere you go, to grab my arm like in the plane. Please, just wake up..."

   Tears were starting to form in my eyes. The paramedic told me that she was stable and that she would probably wake up soon, but they still had to run some tests to see the reason why she passed out.

I was still grabbing Morgan's hand when I felt her grabbing my hand.

"I think she's waking up"

The paramedic checked all her vitals and everything was good, thanks god. Her eyes started to open.

"An... Andr... Andrew...?" She asked, looking at me "Where are we? What happened?" She said looking around.

"You're in an ambulance on your way to the hospital. You passed out in my arms and since you weren't waking up we called 911" I explained her.

   "I remember that I couldn't breath and I felt like the air was freezing. When I felt like I wasn't handling it I decided to get to you... Thank you Andrew"

   My heart was completely melted. She looked so vulnerable and yet so pretty. I hold her hand a little more tight, not enough to hurting her. The ambulance stopped and the paramedic opened the back door pushing the stretcher to emergency room. They told me to wait and that a doctor would come to call us. Not too long after, the boys arrived.

I told them that she had already woke up, and that we had to wait for the doctor to call us. We all got comfortable in those hospital chairs. They all started to falling asleep. But I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about what might have happened to Morgan. Just the though of her being sick and not feeling well hurts me.

It was almost 6am when the doctor appeared "Who's her for miss Morgan Adams?". I woke up everybody else and we all went to talk with the doctor.

"Okay so you're all friends?" The doctor asked.

"No, I'm her brother" Ryland said.

"Okay. So Morgan is okay . We took some tests and basically she had a panic attack, which made her feel like she couldn't breath and then made her faint. We talked to her and what we think it's that it was probably from the flight but her mind only reacted later, and that happens some times. The only thing that we can't explain is the cold she felt. She can go home now, so get her prepared and then walk her to the nurse in the reception.

We went to her room, she was already prepared to go. Shane, Ryland, Garret and I all went to hug her. We all went to the reception, so Morgan could sign all the papers and we went back to the hotel. As we went to the hotel, Ryland, Shane and Garrett, decided to go grab some breakfast, leaving me and Morgan in the hotel so she could rest. She was laying on her bed while I was in the sofa, editing some videos from last week when suddenly...

"Andrew, can we talk..?"

   Thank you guys so much for all the support you're giving to this story. I never thought to get to 200 views so soon. I really appreciate all the comments and votes. See you in the next chapter.

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