Chapter 7

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• Morgan's POV •

I can't believe it... Me and Andrew... We were... We were almost kissing. And the most weird part is that I was looking forward into it. I never really thought of Andrew like that but now, I can't even stop staring at his gorgeous eyes.

The moment could be perfect but, of course, as always, we were interrupted by the guys.

"Morgan, Andrew are you guys okay? We've been trying to open this closet for a while." Garret said.

   "Yhea, yhea of course" me and Andrew both said getting up looking at the ground because of how embarrassed we were about all this.

Shane asked Andrew to start filming again so we could tell what just happened and end the video, since everyone was way to scared to continue down there. Even though I looked normal in the video, my head was thinking a light speed.

Did that moment mean something? Did it meant something to me? Did it meant the same to Andrew? Are we gonna talk about this? What do I feel about this? Do I like him? Does he like me? ...

I was still rambling on about this when the
squad started going upstairs so we could order some food and to rest since we would be living tomorrow. Suddenly I feel my phone buzzing:

Garret - Morgannnn what the hell was happening in that closet?! Don't spare details ;)
Morgan - OMG nothing happened
Garret - Please, don't even try to deny it. We could cut the SEXUAL TENSION with a knife in there
Morgan - Seriously??
Garret - Please tell me that you both almost kissed <3
Morgan - How did you know? Please don't tell anyone this
Garret - Because I'm amazing ahah I already ship it #MANDREW ahahah
Morgan - STOP IT

I decided to stop replying to Garret, since it was getting kinda obvious we were texting each other. As soon as we got to the room, me and Shane ordered some room service, that to be honest, could feed a small village. We were all chilling, waiting for the food to arrive, when Garret suddenly gets up and says " Guys, I think I forgot my wallet in the reception. Shane ad Ryland come downstairs with me"

"Jesus, can't you go alone? It's just the reception" Ryland said. " No I'm afraid of the ghosts". And with that the three of them got up and started leaving. While closing the door, Garret winked at me like he was planning some... OH MY GOD GARRET YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD

So, obviously, Garret planed all of this so me and Andrew could be alone for a while. And just like that my mind started rambling all over again.

"Hey" Andrew said to break this awkward silence that was between us. "Hey" I said, " Morgan, we don't have to talk about what happened in the closet. We were scared and I think that it's mostly fault of the circumstances that we were in. After all it would be just a kiss, right? It wouldn't mean nothing."

"Yhea, yhea, of course." I told him even though it hurt me. Yes I still don't know what I feel for him but, for me, apparently, that little moment we had meant something. But what was I thinking. He can get something way better than me.

After all, I'm a 21 year old mess, that can't get to finish anything she says she's going to do, that doesn't know what to do with her life, that's way to lazy for any simple and normal task. Who would like something like this, he could find some beautiful girl, that loves organizing and cleaning, that knew what she was doing with her life.

The next five minutes were the most awkward experience I've ever lived. We were just, both siting in the ground looking at the computer or the phone.

As soon as the boys arrived in the room, and with the food with them, my mood instantly changed from sad to very happy.
(P.s. to a future boyfriend, the way to buy me is food)

They literally grabbed in the tension there was and tossed it away. And to be honest, after all that happened I needed some happy time, especially if there was food involved.

   We had the most fun time ever. Shane decided to be a sassy queen, Garret grabbed his computer and started singing karaoke, me and Ryland were the back dancers to Garret's show and Andrew was Shane's servant.

   Of someone entered in the room right now they would think that we were highly on drugs. After about 1 hour and a half, we all got very tired, so we decided to rest since we had to make the ride home in the next day.

Do you know how people say that at night our thoughts become loose? That's exactly what happened to me. I couldn't stop thinking about Andrew, and how he said it would be "just a kiss" and the stuff that had happened in the last days...

And when I realized it was already 7 am and Shane's alarm went off. Everyone started getting ready, and since I was the person that takes the longest I was the first to shower, where once more I couldn't stop thinking about everything...

As soon as I get ready, Garret pulled me away from the rest of the squad and asked what had happened yesterday and I explained him everything.

As Garret was still trying to process what I just told him, the boys were already ready to go, so while Garret was dressing up, we called an Uber, and started packing the car. As soon as Garret came we got inside the car and went to the airport. We were a little early for our flight so we decided to see some shops on the airport.

   I was going to buy some snacks for the plane when I feel someone tapping my shoulders.

   "Andrew? Is everything okay?"

   "Can we talk privately please?"...

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