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Jimin opened his mouth momentarily before sheepishly smiling. "Uh.. Well -" he was cut off by his mother. "Hey Mini, Its late and im working my early shift. Can you do this quickly?" Jimin nodded and smiled.

"I gotta go."

"Bye, Mini."


Yoongi tried his best to not clench his hand over his heart and cry when Jimin hung up. He wanted to melt into his sheets and become one with the mattress. He wanted to disintegrate into dust, fly away into the night, while screaming "I MISS YOU" to nobody. Because who was there to miss?

Except Jimin.

God, Did Yoongi ever miss Jimin. Even though he talked to him literally two minutes ago. He wanted to float through the phone and grab Jimin an-

"Yoongi?" Hoseok said in a concerned and rather high-pitched voice. Yoongi looked up and..

Holy shit.

Hoseok's face was so close to his, That he could feel his off breaths on the bridge of his nose. "Fuck," Yoongi went to scramble off him, but Hoseok had other ideas. He flipped Yoongi over and pinned his hands over his head with a slight frown.

Yoongi opened his mouth and closed it again, Recognizing the gaze Hoseok was giving him. "Yoongi." He growled this time, His voice going octaves deeper than it usually was. "Yeah..?" He asked innocently with a cheeky and very fake smile.

"You gave me a fucking boner"


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