Chapter 1: Entering Mania

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Amelia opened her eyes and looked down at city bellow. She notices the movement of the people and how they flow like the ocean. This motion soothed her. She took a deep breath and relaxed at least a little bit. She thought back to her past. she born to a family of powerful witches and warlocks, and with a blood line as strong as her family's she was expected to be one of the strongest witches to ever have been alive. It came as a surprise to the family that Amelia was born as a human, or so they thought. She smirked at the thought.

Amelia had always been the black sheep of her family. Even growing up she had always known that she was different from her sisters. While her sisters hungered for the power that witchcraft offered, she only desired to live a normal human life. She never wanted power for she hated how the thirst for it had consumed the souls of her family. She watched as her family's resentment towards her grew as each year passed.

It wasn't until her thirteenth birthday that everything completely changed. Her family up until this point had held a small hope that their child wasn't powerless. That hope was shattered when Amelia received the Di Vulti band mark. The mark was a crescent moon, depending on the power of the witch or wizard, a pattern would appear inside. Some developed a skull pattern, others developed plant pattern, however Amelia's was something that had never been seen before. Amelia's pattern developed outside of the moon. Outraged the family began treating her less like she was a part of the family.

With no magic she was forced to do all the chores around the house. Amelia didn't mind it much, and the chores had taught her much about the basics of witchcraft. In those years of doing all those chores, she had learned everything she could from the spell books that lay around the family keep. Thought no one knew of her love of learning, they all assumed that she was a stupid girl that only knew what she was told to do. However, the family failed to notice that the pattern was darkening and growing more intricate with each spell that she learned.

It was when Amelia had come of age that the Family came up with a way to improve their powerful bloodline. The family would marry their middle child, Amelia to another strong witch bloodline. However, the man that Amelia was meant to marry was not a kind man. This man was someone that she knew had known all too well.

Amelia had seen the torture that he had put many women thought. She saw how his actions tormented the human women. She knew him as nothing more as a sadistic monster that raped young beautiful women.

Amelia had no intention on marrying the monster, and tried everything in her power to stop the wedding. Unfortunately, the wedding was still on and her power-hungry family had no intention of stopping it. So, Amelia was stuck and she knew she would never last with a monster as a husband.

On the night before the wedding Amelia was dispirit. She tried every spell she could think of to end her suffering. She wanted nothing more than to die. She knew that there was no way out, her family would stop her before she died. So, Amelia did the only thing she could have thought of. She wished for the power to stop this terrible wrong from happening, to change the cards she had been dealt. That night she cried herself to sleep, something she hadn't done in years.

It was the following morning that Amelia awoke feeling different. Then the anger and rage she had felt for the day came racing through her veins. Feeling an unusual heat, she looked down at her hands. She saw that they were on fire. Amazed, she attempted to control it, and was met with success each and every time. She smiled and contracted the fire until there was nothing left. When the fire was gone Amelia got ready for the wedding, knowing she would have to wait for the perfect time. She dressed herself and got ready to wed.

Later, her mother and sisters rushed her out of her prison cell of a room, and forced her into the chapel where the wedding was being held. Her father brought her up to her soon to be husband and the ceremony began. It was towards the end of the ceremony that Amelia began to count in her head.

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