Chapter 3: New Elements

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Daniel could feel the connection to the Omega sever as he waited patiently in his office. He had been waiting for the information and assessment on capturing his mate and Amelia. But now he knew that it wasn't going to happen. To say he was pissed was an understatement. His wolf was on the verge of taking over, and he knew he had to get control over his anger.

He knew that the only way to truly calm down his wolf was to have his mate near him, safe and sound. So, he devised a plan to get her back to him. Knowing that sending one person wouldn't be enough to bring back his angel, he contacted a few of his strongest pack warriors and tractors that had been outside the camps. He called on them to bring back Elizabeth West and capture Amelia Betrüger and the traitor Zackary Valco.

He immediately heard confirmations on the mission, he had given them. He smirked. 'That Vixen won't know what hit her this time.' He thought as he leaned back in his office chair and propped his feet up on the desk. It was then that his mind began to wonder to the past. He began to think about the choice he had to make. He thought about how the military invaded his pack house. How they detained every single member of his pack. He remembered how their leader sat down in the chair across from his and how he started spitting lies about how shifters were the scum of the earth. He remembered how the man eventually got to the point. The man had said:

"I'll give you a choice since I know and the government knows that you are damn good at tracking the elementals. Here's the thing, we aren't too good at tracking them down so we need someone who is. So, here's the deal, if you agree we will allow you to keep 20 people outside the camps, and we will allow you to keep your best trackers and one or two warriors as well, all you have to do is round up the elementals and shifters we can't find and put them into the camps. Now if you don't agree we will torture your pack and you, until you tell us what we want to know, and we will throw you into the camps once we're finished with the lot of you. It's your choice."

The man had said that and had given Daniel a few moments to decide. Of course, he had to protect the pack, so he did the only logical thing he could think of for the good of the pack. He agreed to work with the military, even if it meant going against his own kind. At least this way he could still talk with his pack with in the camps, so he knew they were all doing ok.

He had told the pack of his choices and the pack understood; what he was doing was to save them all from the pain they all would have felt. They didn't like what he was doing, hell he didn't like what he was doing, but the pack respected what he had sacrificed for the good of the pack. Although he hated the work he was doing he had no idea of knowing how useful it would have become in protecting his mate from the clutches of the government.

He never understood how he had grown to love the task of capturing his own kind. Maybe it was the fact that it was a hunt that was far more challenging than regular hunting that he loved, or the different kind of thinking that was involved, or maybe it was the rush of the fight they would put up that he loved the most. Either way he didn't know, but what he did know was that, Amelia and his lovely mate had proven themselves worthy advisories.

If only his mate would come back to him, then he would be satisfied with his life. Even if that meant running from the very people that he was working for he would gladly do that for her. And only her.


Amelia felt something in the air shift. She knew something big was coming for the trio. She could feel it in her bones, and she knew deep inside that this change wasn't good. She knew taking on a new pupil at a time like this would prove to be a challenge. The fact that he was untrained in the way of hiding his sent and evade the armies, was reason enough to run for the hills and to get away from the city and the armies. It was then she decided to get the others ready to run.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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