Chapter 1, Why now?

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Just a normal life, as a normal guardian of werewolf and human kind alike. No big deal right? Wrong! Being considered the werewolf princess when you haven't even met who the prince of the realm is, is very nerve racking! But, past that. My name is Jenna and I try to live out a normal life as a normal Middle School girl should. But, it all changed from being relatively normal to chaos the Altima had stricken again.

I was sitting in class working on a paper. The phone started ringing. "Jenna! Go to the band room now they need your assistance" The teacher said. "Okay" I said. "Altima" She whispered as I walked by her desk. The Altima?!? I get to meet the Altima on these terms to I'm guessing stop him from trying to kill someone. I rushed down to the bandroom. There stood my good friend Nathan, he wasn't normal however. His eyes were glowing red. The signature mark of the Altima. My eyes started glowing light blue. "Altima" I said. "Jenna what are you doing here" Nathan asked? His eyes stopped glowing and when his did mine stopped glowing. WAHPA agents got closer to the two of us. "Nathan your the Altima" I asked? "Your the Tohidv" He said. We stared at each other in silent confusion. A nicely dressed woman came up. "Altima, and the Tohidv. Nice to see you two again. Haven't seen you two since you were little itty bitty" She said. "Who are you" Nathan asked? "Oh, pardon me I do apologise for being so rude. My name is Cindy Lafara. I am the case worker from WAHPA for the Altima and the Tohidv" she said. "Okay, Hello Mrs. Lafara but, I have a question. Nathan and I have known each other for a long time. How and why did no one ever tell me that he was the Altima or why did no one tell him I was the Tohidv" I asked? "Safety reasons for the both of you my dear. We had you together but, separate. If something ever happened like this happened today we would have you here to help Jenna. But, if someone came looking for one of you and got the other you would be able to say you honestly didn't know where, or who the other was" She explained. "We have been through so much together I don't see why it would have been a problem" Nathan said. "Like I said it was for the safety of the both of you" She said. She motioned for us to walk with her so we did. We walked outside to one of the WAHPA vehicles. "Come on we are going to the WAHPA building" She said. "You haven't even told us what WAHPA stands for" Nathan said. She sighed. "Why are you two so persistent" She said. "First I am the Altima I am persistent it's in my nature. Second it's in her human nature to be persistent you obviously never had a conversation with her" Nathan said. "Your right I haven't but anyway it stands for the Werewolf Among Humans Protection Agency" She said. We got in the car with her and it was a relatively short drive. I'm surprised I never noticed it before. It was a large brick building with several water fountains in front with a giant wolf statue standing front and center. We got out of the car and headed into a room that looked like a laboratory in some way. "This is something I never wanted was to be tested on, in a lab" I said. "Settle down little one, we're not going to perform tests on you just a few simple things" She said. Nathan nudged my arm. "It's going to be okay, I'm here. It's going to be alright" Nathan said. His calm voice soothed my nerves. Strange because, it was starting to work the other way around now. I took a deep breath. "Alright, here we are. Just go right in here" Mrs. Lafara said. We walked into a room. It was a small room not very large in size at all. White walls, white carpet, white door, white everything about this room. I didn't like it there was something very unsettling here about this room. I looked up and noticed a set of four speakers. "Okay, welcome Tohidv, and Altima. This is your first tested audio prompt" A voice said as it came over the speakers. They squeaked a little bit at first. "WHAT THE HECK" Nathan said holding his wolf ears that had popped out while we were waiting. I didn't really notice if mine were out. "Alright, beginning audio prompt" The voice said. A loud noise came over the speakers. I held onto my ears. "STOP" Someone yelled! It was a young boy's voice maybe a little younger than Nathan and I. We heard crashing. That voice came over the speaker "To the Tohidv and Altima, I am going to find you. I know your here. You may ask who this is. Listen to my name and tremble as I say it. I am the Luander" He said. "Luander. I thought he was sealed away" I said. "MY CURSE DOESN'T PASS DOWN LIKE YOURS I HAVE BEEN STUCK LIKE THIS FOR THE PAST HUNDRED YEARS" He screamed! Nathan and I looked at each other in confusion. "Fine, enough of this useless talking. I am going to find you. You took my world from me, now I am taking yours from you" He exclaimed! I ran to the door and shook the lock. It was locked the Luander would find us for sure. "Nathan! We have to work together" I said. "That was our purpose. I know who the Luander is Jenna. And, I am afraid you are not going to like it" Nathan said. "Who" I asked? "The one who angered me into showing my Altima eyes earlier. The one who knew the Tohidv would come rushing and they would bring us both here together and try to take us out as one you know kill two birds with one stone" Nathan said. "Well, out with it Nathan who is it" I asked? "Hunter" Nathan said. I stopped in my tracks. "Hunter? Like the one I dated Hunter" I asked? "I am afraid so" Nathan said. "I dated the Luander" I said. "Yes" Nathan said. "We have to get out of here Nathan you don't know what he's capable of. He's rude, and destructive and just cruel" I said. "I remember what happened Jenna. I am not stupid but, your right we have to get out of here" Nathan said. "The doors locked" I said walking towards the other side of the room. When I turned Nathan had the doors pried off the hinges. His eyes were glowing red again. They slowly started fading off. We ran out into the building. Everything was dark. He was right, he was taking our world from us.

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