Chapter 5, The Consequences of Power

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He turned around. "How were you expecting us" Nathan asked? "It's obvious! Don't you think in the last 100 years I have been separated from my powers. It was horrible and I had something calling me to them. I knew if I kept you separated for long enough you would come to me" Hunter said. "Hunter please" I said. "Jenna! No, I am not giving this up. I can't intake this power too pure of a power for me and it was genetically modified not a curse like Nathan, and I's power. I'd rather watch you both suffer" Hunter said. "Please, I need this" I said. "The Wolven realm is going to die without her voice of peace over them. They are going to die without the Princess keeping light to the realm" Nathan said. "How do you think the Luander realm is. If I release this in the Luander realm it will suck every last bit of light from the Wolven Realm, like it and you did to me" Hunter said. "Don't blame Jenna. This is the Altima's fault. My Great Grandpa stopped the passing of your curse and made you this way for the past century. Blame me, take my powers don't take hers they could live without me but, not her" Nathan said. "THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT! I WANT WOLVEN TO SUFFER! I WANT THEM TO FEEL THE PAIN I HAVE FELT FOR A CENTURY" Hunter exclaimed! "Hunter! I know you hate us and I know you hate all normal werewolf kind but, this isn't the way. Revenge is not the way. Let us make things right. Let me go back to the Luander realm for a while with my power and I can bring light. I can help your people" I said. He stopped for a second. "Jenna, you would bring temporary light. There would be rebellion across my city even if I said ❤'OH! THE PRINCESS OF THE WEREWOLVES IS COMING TO BRING LIGHT AND JOY BACK TO OUR CULTURE'❤! Everything would crumble right out from under me and they would kill you themselves" Hunter said. "Hunter, please though. This isn't the way. Calm down Hunter and you can see. There is a so much more peaceful way of doing things. Please let me have my powers back and I can show you, you don't have to live in a constant rage or hate. You can be happy" I said.  Hunter started to act like he was listening to what I was saying. "Jenna.. I.. I have always vowed to get revenge on you and Nathan I picked your generation of Tohidv and Altima. I picked the two of you because, I felt a strong bond was going to be here. I wanted to break it so when I did, it would be so much more fun to watch you two suffer. I have figured out a way to reverse engineer your power and the last things I need are in this lab! I CAN TIME TRAVEL AND MAKE SURE YOU NEVER HAD A STRONG BOND" Hunter exclaimed! He poofed away. "We have to find him" I exclaimed! "Get Olivia and Jake here now" Nathan said. "I can do three better" I said. I thought back to seeing Kaylee, Kaisey, and Kira earlier in my expedition. I ran as fast as I could back down the hallway. "KIRA! KAYLEE! KAISEY! I NEED HELP" I screamed! "What is it calm down" Kaylee said. "There is a guy a little taller than me, a little husky, and is carrying a bottle around that holds a blue, purple, white and yellow ball of light. I need that bottle and he poofed away before my companion and I could get it from him we need a security sweep around this place looking for him before he uses that light to make sure my companion and I never meet" I exclaimed! They looked at each other for a second.     "Did I forget to mention that this particular person is the Luander" I said. That got their attention. "On it. We're going to get it don't worry" Kira said. They went out looking for him. That's when I remembered the radio that Jake had given to me. I pressed the button. "Jake! Olivia! Come in" I said. It started to crackle a little bit then we finally got something back. "Jenna" Olivia asked? "Yes! You and Jake need to get to the WAHPA building right now! Come prepared for a fight, bring medical supplies too and flashlights if possible we might need them" I said. "Alright, we will be there in a little bit" Olivia said. "Okay, thank you. When you get here start panning the building and don't split up you will be team three, we got the camp here from Jake's resistance to be team 1. Nathan and I are team 2" I said. "Gotcha" Olivia said. I put the radio in my bag. "Alright, let's go this way" Nathan said. We went off of one of the corridors off of the main hall. Hunting to wherever Hunter would find something strong enough to support time travel.  "The library. It has a giant computer in there that could possibly support Hunter's time travel. We rushed to the library. There stood Hunter on the computer. "NOT ANOTHER STEP" He screamed. I got the radio. "Library! LIBRARY" I screamed. I hoped Kaisey, Kaylee, and Kira had a radio and could hear us talking. "NOT ANOTHER STEP OR THE JAR GET'S BROKEN" Hunter screamed! Within minutes Jake and Olivia came running to us. "OTHER PEOPLE SURVIVED" Hunter screamed! "You weren't as successful as you thought you had been. Olivia has been with us the whole time, and Jake. Jake saved himself" I said. "Kaisey, Kira, and Kaylee also survived. You took out your own friends Hunter, you took Adam, Joseph, Jacob, Skyler, and even Matthew and none of it was worth it. Strong willed people survived your attack" Nathan said. Kaylee, Kira, and Kaisey came around the other way and tackled Hunter to the ground. He hit the button on his way down. "NO" I screamed! Nathan and I lunged at him. We were transported with him. 

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