Chapter 4, Into The Wasteland

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Olivia and Jake sealed the door of the post office behind me for their safety. I'm sure if there were anymore survivors around that weren't apart of our small group or Jakes rebellion they might be going a little crazy. I walked down the street, still a little weak from not having my powers. It felt weird not being able to change into my wolf form at will, solve any disagreement with a snap of my fingers, spread peace with just my presence it was off. I reached the old church in the center of town. I was trying to think, think like Nathan where would he go first to try and hunt down Hunter. It finally hit me. Back to the place where it all started. But, which one the dominos of starting events happened in the band room, but, the beginning of the end happened for us at WAHPA. We already had been to the band room so, I decided to go to WAHPA first. It didn't take very long to get there maybe seven minutes at most.  I crept around the broken fencing. It was completely different from what it was earlier. The water fountains were no longer flowing and the wolf statue in the center no longer stood with such confidence and pride, it was now cracking and had vines all over it. Chips of where stone had cracked and fell off in the chaos. I slowly walked through the broken doors, creeping into what used to be the lobby. Maybe the room where Nathan and I were locked in. I walked down the hallway to be pulled into a room. "AHH! DON'T TOUCH ME" I screamed! After all having someone pull your leg out of nowhere isn't the most enjoyable experience. "Oh, she's fine she's been cleared by Jake she has the pin" Kaisey said. "Where were you guys when everything started going wrong" I asked? I knew the three girls that were standing in front of me but, I remembered what happened with Jake so I didn't go into right away calling them by name. "I was in English" Kaylee said. "I'm happy to not be in the band room when it happened" Kira said. "So, do you know who I am if you remember that it was Hunter lashing out in the band room" I asked? "No, we just pulled you in here because, we were hoping you would join the rebellion or rob you blind but, you have the pin that means you have been cleared" Kaylee said. "Now, what help do you need" Kaisey asked? "I don't think I need any help right now but, I am trying to find my companion and I thought he would be here where it all started for us" I said. "Alright, stay safe remember us here if you do happen to need any help on your way" Kaylee said. "Thank you" I said. I walked out the door and back down the hallway to the room. The door was still off the hinges and thrown to the side. "Nathan" I said while looking around. I saw some blood on the floor. "Who's blood is this" I asked myself? Maybe, I was starting to go crazy as Hunter. Thinking about being the same person for a hundred years and not even having children always staying fifteen for your whole life. Not being able to die or not being able to pass the curse down the line. That must be absolutely horrible. I started to feel bad for him. Started to feel bad. Doesn't mean I am going to feel bad, he stole my powers after all no time to feel bad for him now. After all he stole my peaceful powers right out from under me, literally right out from under me. I walked out of the room and down the hall and walked in the next lab. "NATHAN" I exclaimed! "Jenna" He exclaimed wrapping me in a hug. "I saw Jake but, I had no time to stick around, I am hunting down Hunter" Nathan said. "I am here to help" I said. "Not without your powers your not" Nathan said.  "Too bad, I'm helping and that's that" I said. "Fine, maybe we can get your powers back" Nathan said. "No, we're getting my powers back" I said. "Alright, fine you can come with. Hunter is in the same building right now, and I am hoping we can catch him either in a wolf form or his human form" Nathan said. "Alright, you ready to set out" I asked? "Yeah, I am let's go" Nathan said. We crept out of the room. Into the hallway and back into the laboratory that Hunter originally started his threat against the two of us. There was one room in the back and the  door was sealed. "Nathan, I don't think we should go in yet" I said. "Why" Nathan asked? "I have a bad feeling" I said. "Your going on a feeling" Nathan asked? "Now is not the time to argue with me Nate. Listen I have a bad feeling about this" I said. "Why" Nathan asked? "I don't know it's just a feeling that we're not prepared and we don't need to go" I stopped in the middle of my sentence. Something stole my attention and I couldn't explain but, it had every single bit of my attention. I turned I started slowly walking towards whatever was calling me. "Jenna, Jenna what are you doing" Nathan asked? "Something is calling me. It has a homey feeling Nathan it feels like my powers" I said.  "Follow it" Nathan said. We followed it back out into the hallway and down a few doors. "This one it's in this one" I said. Nathan opened the door first and stepped in. "Jenna,  I was wrong there he is here" Nathan whispered. I peaked in from over Nathan's shoulder. Hunter was standing there. He was in his human form. He was holding a glass bottle with a white, blue, yellow, and purple ball of light inside. That was my power. "I need to get that bottle" I said. "Jenna, Nathan I was expecting you" He said. 

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