Chapter 6, The Benefits of Time Travel

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"Sixth grade" Nathan asked? "It's where we got close" I said. We rushed to first period band. Hunter was standing in the back. "Don't get your instruments just sit down" The teacher said. I saw younger me going to sit with Nathan and Joseph. Hunter pulled the chair out from under her. I rushed to her and shot Hunter a look. I caught her before she hit the floor. Before anyone there noticed she was sitting in the chair. I turned to Nathan and he was swiping at himself. No one could see us or Hunter though. "Nathan, quit" I said. Hunter was going for the phone. I kicked him to the floor. "Send us back Hunter" Nathan demanded. "Aww but, I'm just getting started" Hunter said. He pushed us away. He rushed at younger me throwing her into the wall. She hit leg first and hitting the ground on her back. She was taken to the hospital. Hunter had succeeded at separating us. Nathan and I followed along to the hospital. An hour after school was to let out. To our surprise, younger Joseph, and younger Nathan walked through the door. Younger Nathan had flowers in hand, and younger Joseph had a card. "We felt bad that you were going to be stuck here for a while. So we brought something to brighten up the room" Younger Nathan said. He placed the flowers in the empty vase sitting on the table. Younger Joseph gave the card to younger me. "It's a get well soon card" younger Joseph said. "It only brought us closer" Nathan realized. "He helped us unknowingly" I said. A wormhole opened up to the side of the room. The three didn't seem to notice so, I assume it's another benefit of time traveling. They don't panic and we get to see the cool stuff. We stepped through. Back to WAHPA. But, everything was normal it was back to being not the apocalypse. "NATHAN WE DID IT" I exclaimed! I hugged him. "We did" He said. I looked around and we were in that room from earlier but, the door was on its hinges. We exchanged confused looks. "What did you do" Mrs. Lafara asked as the opened the door to the room from the outside and walked in a little bit. "Mrs. Lafara excuse me but, what's going on" Nathan asked? "What do you mean" She asked? "Luander just took over and now everything is okay now" I said. "Oh, no that was the simulation. We said we brought you back here for a test. That whole time you never left this room. You thought you did though. You were put into more or less a sleepwalker state where you could walk inches but believe you just ran miles" Mrs. Lafara said. "What the heck" Nathan said. "You both passed with flying colors" She said. "So it was all a big dream" I asked? "Basically" Mrs. Lafara said. "So, Hunters not the Tohidv and Olivia, Jake, Kaylee, Kira, and Kaisey were not here" Nathan asked? "No, you see. The one you call Hunter is it. He is the Luander but, Jake, Kaylee, Kira, and Kaisey were not here. The reason Olivia is the only one who knew who you were through this whole thing, was she was the one we actually got to be here she volunteered her time to be here" Mrs. Lafara said. Olivia peeked her head in the room. "That was fun" She said. I started laughing a little bit. "So, absolutely none of that happened" I asked? "I assure you, none of it was real" Mrs. Lafara said. "How did Jake, Kaylee, Kira, Hunter, and Kaisey feel so real then, I felt like they didn't remember us. Or, I really felt Hunter wanted to kill us" Nathan asked? "You were using your memory to place people in those roles everyone else besides Hunter and Olivia you put in yourselves" Mrs. Lafara said. I turned to Nathan. "We should have known it was a dream when Kaisey backed down and let Jake lead something willingly. Especially him being so calm and being self conceited that isn't like him or Kaisey. Even Kaylee wouldn't let him lead a rebellion" I said. "True" Nathan said. We walked out of the room free to continue on with whatever we wanted to do. "It feels good to see this place nice and clean and not apocalyptic" Nathan said. "Agreed" I said. We had to walk by the offices. "Pssst.... Pssst... You two! Tohidv, and Altima" An unknown whisper came from an open door. We stepped inside the opened door. "Listen, Tohdiv I heard you giving your speech to the simulated Luander" He said. "Yeah, I didn't want him to hurt anyone else" I said. "I am the Luander's caseworker my name is Stephen Lafara" He said. Nathan and I looked at eachother. "Yes, you have been working with my wife all day. The reason I got clearance to watch some of the simulation was because my wife was over it but anyways" He said. "Wait a second. Was that whole century thing true" Nathan asked? "I am afraid so" He said. "Really" I asked? "HA! You dated a guy that's supposed to be over a hundred" Olivia laughed as she walked by the office. "Oh, shut up Olivia" I said. "Well anyway. I wanted to know, if we brought the Luander here peacefully like right now. Would you help set his sole free. If we do, he will go to being the old man he's supposed to be with the Luander now being the grandson or granddaughter that he has" Mr. Lafara asked? I looked to Nathan and he nodded. "He's not going to take my powers is he" I asked? "No" Mr. Lafara responded. "Alright then, We will do it" I said. 

With in an hour he had Hunter there. His adoptive parents trailing behind him. He set up in the library. Hunter was brought in and sat down at one of the tables. "Alright, Luander I have something for you today" Mr. Lafara said. "This better be worth it Stephen" Hunter said. "It will be I swear" Mr. Lafara said. He motioned for Nathan and I to come out. "What are they doing here" Hunter asked? "Listen we're not the most ecstatic in the world either" I said. "Okay Luander, here me out. We're here today to combine the powers of the Tohidv and the Altima to set you free so you can finally have a family and you will still be alive but, your grandson will be this generation's Luander and you will be free" Mr. Lafara said. "These two are this generation's Tohdiv and Altima" Hunter asked? "I keep forgetting the simulation wasn't real" I said. "Simulation" Hunter asked? "It's a long, long story that I am sure Mr. Lafara doesn't have the time for us to tell right now" Nathan explained. "Alright" Hunter said. "Okay, let's get started" Mr. Lafara said. "Wait, I have that feeling like this was just way too easy" I said. "After a hundred years of being stuck in a constant loop of not being able to have steady friends, or serious relationships, wouldn't you be ready to pass the curse" Hunter asked? "I mean yeah" I said. "Alright, Tohdiv and Altima. Stand up" Mr. Lafara said. We stood. "Combine powers" Mr. Lafara said. We did. "Strike him" Mr. Lafara said. I hesitated a little bit but, finally together we slowly lowered the ball of power onto him. Light went everywhere and sent all of us back. Hunter wasn't there anymore. "He's where he's supposed to be now. I'm going to explain to the adoptive parents. Alright your free to go" Mr. Lafara said. We walked together to the front of WAHPA. "Alright, see you later then" Nathan said. "I can't wait to go home and see my grandparents, uncle, brothers, and sister now" I said. "I know, me too" Nathan said. We split out separate ways after that. Until we are both needed at WAHPA again. To see each other again the next day at school knowing things were going to be different now knowing that I am the Tohidv and he is the Altima. But, I can't wait to see what this new future holds for us all. 

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