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between Kaia and Dahlia

Dahlia SINclair❤️
um hello

Haia Kaia💓

Dahlia SINclair❤️
why the hell is Shawn
Mendes commenting
on your instagram?

Haia Kaia💓
he dm'd me too

Dahlia SINclair❤️
Why didn't you tell me?
what'd he say?

Haia Kaia💓
he told me that I'm
beautiful 😊

Dahlia SINclair❤️
i tell you that everyday,
he's not special tf

Haia Kaia💓
yes u do, but you're
not Shawn Mendes

Dahlia SINclair❤️
fair point

Dahlia SINclair❤️
anyways i'm a jealous hoe.

Dahlia SINclair❤️
but i'm proud of my best friend.

Dahlia SINclair❤️
but get you that musician
dick boo, i've heard it
changes lives.

Haia Kaia💓
Dahl! 😂😂
He just dm'd me
i'm not getting his
"musician dick"
anytime soon💀

Dahlia SINclair❤️
that's what you say now,
but we'll see. Anyways,
gotta go Kaia Bo Baia
love you lil mama 😘

Haia Kaia💓
okayy, love u too boo💓

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