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Mendes: hey what are you doing in Fullerton?

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hey what are you doing
in Fullerton?

some of my family lives
down here, so I'm visiting.

really? that's cool!
My concert is in Fullerton
tonight, you should see if
you can come. And if not maybe we
can hang out afterwards or something?

aw Shawny :/ I would
love to but I promised my
family I would just stay in
with them tonight... ☹️

okay okay, I understand.
Another time then 😉
have fun, see you soon
Kaia Baia ❤️

see you soon Mendes💓

Kaia felt bad about lying to Shawn. But she knew it would all be worth it when they finally meet.


kaia_brooks ready for a night full of firsts

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kaia_brooks ready for a night full of firsts

1,024,213 likes • view all 9,751 comments

dahliasinclair yes girl 😍 it's gonna be a good night 😉😘

dahliasinclair btw u look hot. ur welcome

dahliasinclair also photo creds. ur welcome again

kaia_brooks thanks ya dork 😘 dahliasinclair

user1 wow kaia u look good 😍

user2 are you going to shawn's concert? I saw on your snapchat that you're in fullerton

user3 lol what a slut.

user4 stop trying to show off your boobs. you have none to show off.

user5 WHAT A FIT WOW 😍😍😍

user6 a freaking queen

shawnmendes liked your post.

shawnmendes ????

user7 you're a legend, i'm in love with you💓

user8 shawn's confused

user9 shawn is confused is to why she's dressed like a slut.

user10 that's ur girl shawn, better come get her

user11 I hope to see you at the concert tonight! 

messages between canadian bacon🥓❤️ and Greek Goddess😍👑❤️

canadian bacon🥓❤️
???? i thought u were
staying in with family tonight.
seen at 6:20 pm

canadian bacon🥓❤️
hello??? Kaia????
seen at 6:37 pm

canadian bacon🥓❤️
kaia! wtf, why are you ignoring
seen at 6:43 pm

canadian bacon🥓❤️
okay whatever I guess.
I've got a show to get to.
have fun with your "night
full of firsts."
seen at 6:56 pm

Kaia looked at her phone and sighed. She felt bad because he seemed genuinely upset.
"i hope this plan is worth it"
she thinks to herself, looking out the window on her way to the concert.

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