Our lists

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Nash's POV:

He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Please?" I asked taking another step towards him. He dropped the razor and hugged me. I immediately hugged him back.

"I-I'm so sorry." He said softly. I hugged him tighter.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him.

"All the hate that I was getting was starting to affect me, so i thought if I cut it would help..." He started.

"But it didn't." I finished for him. He nodded.

"I hated the feeling, so I stopped. I know I still get hate but now I know that they just want reasons not to like me." He said. I looked into his eyes, he's telling the truth.

"Do you want to go to my room?" I asked. He nodded and headed for the front door.

"Wrong way Babe." I said. He turned around and gave me a confused look. He was also blushing, that's the most  adorable thing I've ever seen btw.

"We're going this way." I stated grabbing his hand and bringing him on the balcony. The fans started screaming again.

"What the fuck, Im not going this way!" He exclaimed.

"How do you think I got in your room?" I asked. He glared at me.

"If I die, it's your fault." He spat climbing onto the railing.

~A few hours later~

Cam's POV:

I was at the event, purposely avoiding Carter. Why? Because I'm afraid if I go near him I might admit my feelings.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Carter whispered from behind me. I jumped up almost throwing my iPhone.

"Ask me that tommorrow." I muttered walking away. I heard him sigh.

"Cameron!" A fan yelled. I turned around and gave a gigantic smile.

~ after the event~

Taylor, Nash, Matt, Gilinksy and I were in the car, going nowhere.

"I have an idea!" I exclaimed, still keeping my eyes on the road.

"What is it?" Nash asked. I looked in the mirror making sure Matt was sleeping and he had earphones in.

"We should make a 20 reasons why list." I said turning right.

"That thing I made up a couple months ago?" Jack asked. I nodded.

"You do know that is supposed to confess your love for someone at the end right?" He said looking at me like I was crazy. I nodded again.

"I guess i'm in.." Taylor said.

"Sure." Gilinksy said.

"Why the fuck not." Nash said.

"So, when we get back to the hotel we'll right them." I stated turning around.

~ in the hotel room~

We were all circled around this table thing.

"Mine is going to be 20 reasons why I need you." Jack Gilinksy said writing something down.

"Oh that's good." Nash said. I agreed.

"I'm doing 20 reasons why I love you." Taylor said.

"Aweeee!" Nash and I cooed.

"I'm doing 20 reasons why I avoid you." I said writing it down.

"Wait what!?" They exclaimed. I chuckled.

"Carter asked why I was avoiding him, and this is gonna tell him." I said.

"Ohhh." They said. Everyone looked at Nash.

"What?" He asked.

"What's yours?" Taylor asked.

"20 reasons why I want you to be my boyfriend, yeah I know it's long but whatever." He said.

"So when do we give the list to them?" Gilinksy asked.

"Whenever you feel the time is right." I said.

"This better work." Taylor muttered.

"It will."

I wonder what's gonna happen. What do you think is going to happen??

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