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"That fucking bitch!" Nash yelled. I gave him a look of suprise but quickly turned my eyes back to the road.

He was just sobbing. Bipolar much?

"WHAT KIND OF BEST FRIEND DOES THAT!?" Nash screamed. I shrugged my shoulders not wanting to say anything that could make him angrier.


"Nash, calm down." I said softly. He stared at me. and kept staring.

"I would totally slap the shit out of you for telling me that, but your driving." He muttered. I laughed. Even when he's pissed he's still sassy.

"But listen to Dr.Jeremy, you're going to tell Matt what happened." I said. Nash sunk in his sink.

"W-what if he b-breaks up with me?" Nash said in his softest voice. I didn't say anything because what if he does break up with Nash?

"I just recently made him mine... I can't loose him over a stupid mistake."

"Maybe he'll let you explain though, all you have to do is tell him that you were playing around." I said trying to get him to relax.

I know that Nash was crying right now, and I'd be a complete ass if I kept driving so I pulled over and parked the car.

"Nash, you need to tell him... Now." I said setting the phone in his hand. He stared at the phone in his hand.

"Go." I demanded. Nash sighed and dialed Matt's number. I told him to put in on the car's speaker thing.

"Yo yo yo wassup hoe!" Mahogany exclaimed into the phone.

"Where's Matthew?" Nash asked.

"In the hospital room with Taylor... Why?" Mahogany asked.

"Can you bring him the phone?" Nash asked.

"Sure..." Mahogany muttered. About a minute later Matthew was on the phone.

"What's up?" Matt asked.

"I-I need to tell you something." Nash said. Matthew chuckled.

"Are you going to tell me you love me again?" Matt asked.

"No." Nash muttered. I guess Matthew heard the seriousness in Nash's voice.

"Then what is it?" Matt asked.

"IaccidentallykissedCameron." Nash said at an unnormal speed.

"You did what!?" Matt exclaimed.

"I accidentally kissed Cameron." Nash said slower.

"How do you accidentally kiss someone!?" Matt yelled at Nash.

"Well we were playing-" Matt cut Nash off.

"So you're basically telling me that you cheated on me?" Matt asked.

"I-I guess you could say that, but I didn't kiss him on purpose!" Nash exclaimed.

"and how am I supposed to know you're not lying?" Matt asked. Nash was shaking, and had tears running down his face.

"I really need you to believe me baby, I-I can't loose you. I'm in love with-" Matt cut Nash off. Again.

"DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH ME!" Matt yelled. Nash and I both froze. Matthew sounded pissed.

"YOU'RE 'IN LOVE' WITH ME BUT YOU CHEATED ON ME!?" Matt yelled. Nash brought his knees to his chest and started crying harder than he was before.

"HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK!?" Matt yelled. Okay, I need someone to calm him down.

"You know what Nash." Matthew muttered. Matthew don't you dare. Don't do it Matt. Don't you dare break his heart.

"We're done." This mother fucker.

Cam's POV:

~40 minutes after Jack and Nash left~

"Did he just-"


"Why the fuck did he turn into Hulk?"Jack asked. I shrugged.

"I accidentally got to his sensitive side I guess..." I muttered.

"You know good and well that wasn't a fucking accident." Jack spat.

"I-" He cut me off.

"You knew what he was sensitive about and you used it against him." Jack said. I groaned and fell back on the bed. He's right.

My phone started ringing. I shot up and looked at my phone. It's Carter. Fuuuuuckkkk.

"Hello?" I asked.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Carter yelled through the phone. No. No. No.

"Carter just let me explain-" He cut me off.

"HOW ABOUT YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND NOT SAY ANYTHING!" Carter screamed. I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"NOT ONLY DID YOU FUCKING CHEAT ON ME, YOU FUCKING HURT MY BEST FRIEND IN THE PROCESS!!" Carter screamed getting louder and louder by the word.



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