Chapter 1

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"Blake wake up!" Ashton yelled shaking me. "Leave me alone Ashton!" I yelled pulling the covers over my head. 

I'm about to beat this bitches ass.

"Blake Eleanora wake up!" Ashton said. I groaned and turned on my bedside lamp. "Great you're awake!" He said grinning. 

 I looked up at him and gave him a dirty look. He has a death wish waking me up. He knows how I am when I don't get my sleep. He's about to go see Jesus tonight if he doesn't let me go back to sleep.

"What the hell do you want Ashton? It's 3:00 A.M.!" I said rolling my eyes. Ashton plopped down beside me  and gave me a cheeky grin. So he thinks that if he acts all cute and innocent that it won't get him killed. He's funny if he thinks that'll get him out of this alive.

 "I'm pulling an all nighter and I needed someone to keep me awake." He said. "Go bother Michael or Calum I'm sure they're still awake!" I said rolling my eyes. I shoved him and he fell off my bed. 

"What the hell Balke?" He asked. "What's rule number one about Blake?" I asked giving him a look. He shrugged and got back on m,y bed. 

"for your information I already tried calling them and they didn't answer. Do you wanna go do something fun?" He asked. He's asking for it now. He really wants to die tonight. Rest in peace you fucking bitch.

"Ashton it's the middle of the night. I want to go back to sleep." I said crossing my arms over my chest. Rule number one about Blake is to never wake her up in the middle of the night unless it is an emergency. I do not like to woken up and he knows that. He also likes to push my fucking buttons.

 "Fine then. I'll stay up and you can sleep. Do you have any food?" He asked laying his head against my shoulder. I shoved him off the bed and he huffed. I just want to go back to sleep. Is sleep too much to ask for? Why does Ash always have to push my buttons? Does he like angry Blake? 

"Ashton you're going to wake up my parents. Go play video games or something in our game room. There is a mini fridge in there and you can have whatever food is in there. I don't give a fuck about what you do as long as you're quiet and you let me sleep." I said. 

"Fine I'll just stay up by myself. All I wanted was to hang out with my best friend and she doesn't even care. Maybe I should find a new best friend, since my best friend of almost 24 years doesn't love me anymore." Ashton said fake crying. I gave him a look as to say"shove it asshole" he's about to send me over the edge. 

"I hate you Ashton." I said turning my lamp off. I pulled the blanket over my head and tried to go back to sleep. but of course he wouldn't let me. "Blake." Ashton whispered poking my side. "Ashton Irwin, I swear to god if you don't get out of here in the next five minutes and let me go back to sleep, things will not end well for you." I said sitting up. 

"Okay fine." He said throwing his hands up in surrender and walking out of my room. Finally some peace and quiet. 

I spoke to soon. "Blake." Ashton whispered walking back in my room. "Oh for fucks sake Irwin what now?!" I asked clenching my teeth together. "Can I sleep in here?" He asked.

"Sure why not." I said laying back down. Maybe he'll leave me alone this time. I'm so tired I could cry. 

"Can I sleep in your bed?" He asked. "If you will leave me the hell alone and let me go back to sleep." I said scooting over. He smiled and got in bed with me. "You know I love you Blake." Ashton said wrapping his arm around me. "I know Ashton. Now please let me go to sleep." I said moving his arm off of me. 

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