Chapter 6

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"Fucking hell who let me drink so much last night?" I asked sitting up in the bed. I put hands over my face and closed my eyes. My head is freaking killing me. "You did say you wanted to get waisted." Ashton said. I groaned and laid back down. I cuddled back up to Ashton and laid my head on his chest. "I don't remember anything last night." I said. "All I remember is making out with some girl and you throwing up everywhere outside of the club."

"I have a huge headache." I said nuzzling my face into his neck. "Let me guess Mr. and Mrs. drink all the alcohol in the club have horrible hangovers?" Kota said walking into the room. "Ding ding ding!" Ashton said annoyed. "Shouldn't have gotten so drunk!" Kota said sassing Ashton.

"Ashton we need to talk!" Calum said grabbing Ashton. I fell off of Ashton and buried my head into the pillows. Ashton followed Calum out and Kota sat down on the bed. "We have to talk too missy." Kota said. I looked up at her and furrowed my eyebrows. Why did she need to talk to me?

"What happened last night?" I asked. I can barely remember anything from last night. "You and Ashton sort of made out." Kota said. She has to be joking. There is no way I made out with Ashton last night. I wouldn't kiss him and not remember it. "What the fuck? Are you serious right now?" I asked holding my head. "100% serious. He was kissing down your neck and everything. It was a pretty heated make out."

"Shit, how the hell did that happen?" "Well you both were extremely drunk and you said that you wanted to kiss Ashton and then you both decided to kiss each other." Kota said. "Dammit I'm so stupid!" "Hey, Ash seemed to like it." Kota said.

"I've probably just ruined our friendship." I said. "Blake, you didn't ruin your friendship!" Kota said. "Um, can I talk to Blake alone?" Ashton said walking into the room. "Good luck babes." Kota said walking out of the room.

"So." Ashton said sitting down beside me. I kept my face covered and didn't respond to him. "Blake, can you talk to me please?" He asked pulling my hands away from my face. "Um... sorry for kissing you. I hope I didn't ruin our friendship." I said bitting the inside of my cheek.

"You don't have to apologize and you most definitely did not ruin our friendship. Okay, so I really need to be honest with you and I can't hold anything back." Ashton said sighing. I looked over at him and he had a nervous look on his face. Oh god he hates me. He's going to tell me he hates me.

I sighed and looked down at my hands. "Okay what is it Ash?" I asked staring at my hands like they're the most interesting thing I've ever seen. "Blake, I've had feelings for you for a while now. I had feelings for you even before you started dating Austin. I've always been too afraid to tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

I don't know if you have feelings for me or not or if you're even ready to start dating again. I just have to get this out there Blake. I can't hold my feelings back anymore and I hope you don't hate me now. I don't want you to feel pressured into having feelings for me or feeling pressured to feel some type of way. You're in complete control of your feelings and I'm not going to make you feel like you have to feel a certain way.

If you don't have feelings for me that's completely fine and I'll understand. I just want you to know your feelings are your own and I'm not going to force some type of feeling on you. I love you still as my best friend Blake and I want you to feel safe and loved." Ashton said.

"Wow." I said trying to process everything. I obviously have feelings for him as well. But do I tell him? I don't want a relationship right now. I'm still trying to get over Austin. "Sorry if I just made you feel awkward." Ashton said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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